Chapter 36

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(Y/n) POV)

This bad feeling has been haunting me for a while. Even while we traveled to each of Sasuke's scents, it never left. Something was telling me that there was something wrong. Every ounce of my body was riddled with an unknown fear... or an unknown worry rather... Is someone in danger? What's this feeling? There's a weary feeling in the air... There's definitely something going on that I'm not aware of... I then felt a ping in my head. I flashed to it, and saw I was surrounded by six people... and a bloodied Jiraiya at my feet. I quickly formed my susanoo around us, and looked down at him. I then looked up at the six... they have it... too...

"So... this was my bad feeling..." I made a shadow clone, and it flashed Jiraiya and the old toad that was with him to Konoha.

???: "(Y/n) Uchiha." My hands were shaking as I reached up to my eye patch and ripped it off my face. I kept my right eye closed for a moment as I looked around at the five.

"I've never actually used this before. As if the six on one wasn't enough of a disadvantage." I opened my right eye, and instantly felt the power I left hidden from the world. "You're the leader of the Akatsuki... aren't you? I remember you from the last time."

???: "We are Pain."

"Yeah, yeah... I don't really care about your name. I'm more interested in our common eye. The rinnegan is something I thought only I had." I opened my eye as the power surged through my body.

Pain: "It's intriguing to us as well. However. you've never used your gift... You can't beat a god (Y/n)." The six of them raised their hands as the middle spoke. I drew my sword as I stared down the group.

"How confident are you in that statement?" The hairless one launched missiles at me in response. 'Theoretically speaking, I should be able to do all the same things he can...' I raised my free hand up and I felt my palm open up as I fired my own missiles back. The projectiles collided before exploding, making a cloud of smoke. 'The middle is most likely the most dangerous.' "First form: Judgment Cut." I sheathed my blade before I quickly moved and slashed the main Pain. However, before my attack could land I was launched away by an invisible force. 'So the weird one can shoot missiles, the one that speaks can launch me away, and the others are unknown. I don't have time for this.' I landed softly on the rubble below as the six remained in place. The ponytail pain then summons a massive two headed dog. 'A summon?' The dog growled at me before it charged. As its massive jaws opened to chow down I jumped high and raised my blade above my head. "Seventh Form: Cataclysmic Slash!" The slash that came from my katana cut both heads off... but four more grew back. As I fell downwards I formed a chidori in my left hand. As I pierced the back of the dog with the chidori it suddenly exploded outwards and completely destroyed the dog.

I stood in the smoke of the summon as I stared at the unwavering six. I raised my left hand towards Deva before I quickly pulled him in my direction as I jumped forward. "Fourth Form: Feathered Khrow!" As I began to swing the blade a missile came and knocked it off course and Deva spun around before kicking me back in the chest. "Fine then, Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Five more of me appeared next to me before they quickly went off to attack the other five. Deva stood across from me as our others fought.

Pain: "Why do you refuse to join me?"

"Because your goal ends with the death of people I care for. Nothing more, nothing less." I rushed him as he pulled out one of the chakra rods that were in Jiraiya. The blade of my sword met with the round edge of the rod and left a noticeable gash in the side.

(3rd POV)

The two rennigan users pushed the other away with an almighty push. Though, in the eye of (Y/n), a small crack appeared. Pain noticed the crack as well as the slight wince that came from his opponent.

Pain: "Your body rejects its power."

(Y/n): "What's that supposed to mean?" Three more cracks appear as one of the shadow clones get destroyed. (Y/n)'s hand quickly shoots up to his eye as the pain courses through him.

Pain: "It appears that the power of the rennigan isn't compatible with your body... or your body is rejecting it entirely. Either way, it's even more proof of the futility that is your attempt at victory." (Y/n) clicked his tongue as he tossed his knives in random directions.

(Y/n): 'I read this is something Lord Fourth did with this jutsu, but I've never really tried it myself.' The two stood still for a second before the next move was made. (Y/n) launched forward before he began quickly teleporting between each knife. "Fourth Form: Feathered Khrow." Pain tried to form a barrier around him to push (Y/n) away, but (Y/n) got to him first. One cut turned into two, then three, and (Y/n) continued to pile the cuts on the rennigan user's body. The other Pain's knew that the Deva pathed was in danger, and the Asura path sent a barrage of missiles towards the two main bodies. The clone of (Y/n) that was fighting the Asura path activated it's susanoo and tanked the attack. The large skeletal avatar then grabbed the Asura path before ripping it in half. The Preta path then came up from behind and absorbed the entirety of the susanoo. The clone looked at the path shocked before he quickly backed off. 'He can absorb my susanoo?! That makes this even more difficult.' Even though the surprise attack had failed, (Y/n)'s assault ceased. The reason for this being that the Human path had defeated another one of his clones. (Y/n) kneeled as his rennigan cracked more. As he pulled his hand away, he noticed the blood that was pooling from his eye.

Pain: "You're reaching your limit. Face it, you can't beat me." Three shadow clones remained on (Y/n)'s side, and only the Human and Preta path remained on Pain's side.

(Y/n): "It's a four vs. three right now. How the hell does that make you wi- AHCK!" (Y/n) dropped to a knee as his three remaining clones all dispersed. The pain of the rennigan usage, and the pain of the mangekyou usage temporarily blinded him. Pain took this opportunity to pierce (Y/n)'s chest with one of his chakra rods.

Pain: "You never stood a chance against a god. I tried to make you see reason, but you were too stubborn. Now die in vain like the rest." (Y/n) coughed up blood as he began to lose consciousness. As Pain released the rod, (Y/n) used one last jutsu to teleport himself to one of his seals in Konoha.


Finally got this out. Last update for this was on my birthday February 27th. It's been over two months now, and I apologize for that. Thankfully now that this chapter is out of the way, updates should speed up a little. This arc was the hardest to write cause I didn't know if I wanted to have (Y/n) fight pain or spectate the Itachi vs. Sasuke fight. I think you can see which one I decided to go with. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this long overdue chapter, and I can't wait to continue writing the next chapter.


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