Chapter 22

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(Y/n) POV)

As I laid on the floor I tuned into the air around me. I took a moment to study it before relaxing my mind again. 'It seems that this is similar to that of what I believe is called Senjutsu. Uncle told me a bit about it but it's incredibly hard to learn.' I feel a slight disturbance in the back of my head. 'Something's wrong here... No... the village!' I sat up instantly and opened my eyes. I place my hand on the ground, forming a seal there. "I'll be back!" I flash to the Hokage tower seeing the window destroyed with a giant shuriken. The room was a mess and the lights were off. I looked around the area before jumping out the window and flash to auntie. She glanced my way as I jumped down next to Kiara and Yang who were there as well.

Tsunade: "As you have probably seen, we're experiencing a power outage and the entire village is without electricity. There is a possibility it was caused by an accident. But considering there has been no contact from the power facility, we should probably take action under the assumption that this was deliberate. Therefore, as of this moment, this village will enter a level two state of alert! Company Three will be dispathed to the east, west and north gates. Company two will go to the main gate! Company one is assigned to check on the situation at the power facility! Asuma, you stay here. Don't overlook the slightest unusual occurrence. Dismissed!" Everyone jumped off besides Asuma and me. Kiara and Yang went off in a different direction from everyone else, they probably have a separate mission from the other companies. "Sora attacked me."

Asuma: "Sora?!"

"Wait, who's Sora?"

Tsunade: "A monk from the fire temple. Fortunately, the situation didn't become serious." Asuma's cigarette drops from his mouth and he steps on it as he walks forward.

Asuma: "Just a minute! You were attacked, Lady Hokage?! By Sora?!"

Tsunade: "Naruto is in pursuit. You two head after them immediately. It may be difficult, but it's a fact. Accept it. As soon as you find Sora, take him into custody." Asuma lights another cigarette.

Asuma: "Yes ma'am." Asuma jumps off but I stay behind for a second.

"Why do we seem to never get a break?" I don't let auntie respond as I flash to Naruto who was busy chasing after who I saw with them earlier. 'So that's why that name sounded familiar.' I hear the sound of the ground cracking in the distance and turn to Naruto. "I'll be right back." He nods as I flash to the main gate. I stand next to Genma 

Genma: "I will take charge now! Shift to a long-range attack!" I jump down in front of a giant cloud of smoke the attackers create and draw my blade. Activating my sharingan I stare them down as one begins creating hand seals in front of a scroll.

Rando 1: "Barrier Defense Seal Jutsu! Eight-Gate Lock Up!" They slam their hands on the scroll as this giant temple looking thing comes up from the ground. The entire village is surrounded by four temples. I watch a barrier form around causing me to laugh.

"Wow! I didn't think you'd be that stupid!" The four look at me confused. "Thank you for signing your own death warrant." Light shines brightly causing me to have to cover my eye slightly. I flash back to Genma so I wasn't completely covered by this light.

Rando 2: "The four of us have come here on an unerring mission. On behalf of the future strength of the Land of Fire. We have come here to enact our indomitable will. Now, listen to what we have to say. We have only one objective in mind. And that is the glorification of the Land of Fire with the Feudal Lord as its one and only king!" The light disperses. "The king here in the Hidden Leaf Village is a threat to the true king of the Land of Fire. We will not allow the existence of two kings! Don't you get it? We're saying we don't need your Hokage! There's no need for approval. You guys will help us, either way. You'll help us by becoming corpses." It's silent for a moment before I bust out laughing.

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