Chapter 21

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(Y/n) POV)

I paced back in forth in my room that morning. I sigh before leaving my house and heading in the direction of the apartment Yang lived in. I walked through the surprisingly empty streets. Footsteps echoing in the silence. I finally reached Yang's apartment a few minutes later and knocked on the door. A few seconds went by before he opened it. His eyes were red and puffy, almost like he had been crying. He looks at me before opening the door more, allowing me inside. I entered as he closed the door. We didn't say anything but we looked at each other for a moment before nodding. We left Yang's apartment before taking a unique route toward Kiara's home. A large house, not exactly a mansion but damn it was big, came into view and we sped up slightly. We began sped up more into a jog as we neared a large staircase. We both jumped up the entire thing as I landed in front of the door I knocked lightly. A minute passed with no response. I knocked again, harder this time. Once again I received no response. We looked at each other and I knocked once more, harder once more. Another minute passed by and just when I was about to knock the door opened. Kiara stood there staring at us, tear stains heavily visible on her face.

Kiara: "(Y/n)... Yang... why... are you two here?" We both glanced at each other before we forced ourselves in. "H-H-Huh?!" Yang goes first and hugs her tightly, I do the same as we both hug our teammate. She wraps her arms around both of us as she begins to cry again. I feel myself tearing up, Yang was already crying. We stood there for a few minutes before we released each other. Kiara and Yang stopped crying and I had successfully fought back my own tears. We all looked at each other before nodding. Kiara and Yang placed a hand on my shoulder and I flashed us to the Hokage mountain. We form hand seals in sync from the different heads we stood on. I stood on the fourth's head, Kiara on auntie's and Yang on the second's.

Yang/Kiara/Me: "Fire Style: Dying Flame." We all blew fire up into the air. The citizens of Konoha stared at the three dragons at the silent roaring dragon. They stared as it dispersed, only a few people who were there knew what those flames meant. We all nod to each other for flickering/flashing to auntie's office. As we appeared in the office, Asuma was leaving and Yamato was entering. We looked at each other for a moment before we stepped outside the door and let Yamato do whatever it was he was there to do. I heard Asuma talking to Naruto before Sakrua begins yelling at someone who I don't recognize. I debated on seeing them but decided against it... I couldn't bring myself to do that right now... I ignored the new voice bickering with Naruto as we waited. As they neared the door to bring this new "Sora" in as I heard Yamato call him, I walked off to the left some more so they wouldn't see me. A second later, "Sora" was sent out of the door. I stared at the interaction but was too shocked to even listen in. A few minutes pass until they leave, still not noticing me.

Tsunade: "You three can come in now." We enter like nothing just happened. We stand in front of auntie who looks between the three of us. I looked at Yang who nodded then did the same for Kiara who also nodded.

"We're ready to return to our missions." Auntie's eyes widen slightly before they look down at her hands.

Tsunade: "Those fire dragons..."

"It's our own way of saying goodbye. We've come to terms with Khrow's passing... even if the pain isn't gone... We won't let something like that keep us out for too long." Kiara and Yang nod causing auntie to sigh.

Tsunade: "Alright..." We look to the right seeing smoke pillowing out in a small area near the forest.

"Of course Naruto couldn't keep that new guy from starting something."

Tsunade: "I don't have a mission for you right now. I'll let you know when I have a mission." We nod and walk out of the tower. We stand for a moment in silence. We all wave to each other and head separate ways. I went off to my home and entered my room. I saw a note on the window sill and curiously walked over. I opened it and read said note.

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