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Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating but I haven't had a lot of spare time recently and it's only going to get worse. You see, spring football just started today with my high school so I won't have a lot of time during the weekday. I'm not stopping this fanfic, just letting you know that I have to take a huge slow down. I hope you all understand, and I did promise to let you all know when something came up and I wouldn't be able to update. So I actually kept that promise, go me! Anyway, this fanfic is NOT stopping, far from it. I just need more time to release new chapters because of events in my life, nothing bad. I will do my best to update during the weekends or if I can I will try and update during the week but don't expect that. Once again, sorry cause I know someone out there is gonna be complaining about this. Besides that, thank you all for understanding, (if you do understand. If you don't kindly fuck off) till next time!

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