Chapter 11

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(3rd POV)

Sakura: "It's over, Granny Chiyo." Sasori had finally been defeated after a long hard battle. "Excellent work."

Chiyo: "No. I was the one who should've...been defeated."

Sakura: "What?"

Chiyo: "Sasori read my final attack. But for some reason, he didn't dodge it. A slight opening was revealed."

Sakura: "Could it be that he..."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, aren't you ready yet?"

Kakashi: "It's about ready now." Kakashi opens his eye, revealing his sharingan with a new pattern. (Y/n) narrows his eyes at Kakashi, staring at his sharingan.

Naruto: "That's the thing you were talking about before?"

Kakashi: "That's right. It's my new sharingan."

(Y/n): "Why... Why didn't he tell me he had the mangekyou?" (Y/n) muttered to himself so he wasn't heard.

Kakashi: "Let's go, Naruto, Serpent!"

Naruto: "Right!"

(Y/n): 'He knew so much about the effects of the mangekyou on the eye... He knew cause he has one himself... So why didn't he tell me?'

Kakashi: "What is it?" Naruto had been staring at Kakashi

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei... It's okay if you fail. I'll make sure I settle things in the end!"

Kakashi: "Right... If your turn comes around."

Naruto: "Right!"

Oh yeah Team Guy made a breakthrough on how to beat their clones. They just had to get stronger... surprising right? Anyone they're doing better than they were before now. They all dealt one of their own final strikes, defeating their clones. That fight was way to boring for me to write completely. So just know they won.

Deidara: "They're following me."

Kakashi: "Naruto, Serpent. Get back...a little."

Naruto: "Got it." (Y/n) only nodded.

Kakashi: "Mangekyou Sharingan!" The world started to warp around Deidara's area. Naruto and (Y/n) were on the side of the cliff watching in amazement. "You won't get away!" Deidara continued trying to fight the jutsu. Kakashi focues as he basically ripped Deidara's arm off. The jutsu ended as (Y/n) teleported next to Kakashi.

(Y/n): "How are you feeling?"

Kakashi: "Fine for now." He reactivated the jutsu and focused on Deidara again. "Damn it! I let him get away."

Deidara: "I shook him off huh?"

Naruto: "Rasengan!" Deidara jumped off the bird but Naruto completely destroyed it.

Kakashi: "Alright!"

Naruto: "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto's clones grabbed the birds head as they landed on a branch. "Gaara!" Naruto ran over and began trying to break through it's head. "Kakashi-sensei, are you alright?" Another clone landed next to Kakashi.

Kakashi: "Yeah... somehow..." Naruto's clones finally broke through the head as they saw Gaara inside.

Naruto: "Gaara! Hey... hey... Gaara!" Everyone closed their eyes in sadness. "Gaara!" Naruto's eyes went red again. "I'll pound you!"

Deidara: "Fine, fine. I'll take you on again one of these days."

Kakashi: "You let your guard down." Naruto appeared behind Deidara and punched the SHIT out of him.

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