Chapter 9

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(3rd POV)

(Y/n): Neji, can you give us a visual?" He nods and activates his byakugan.

Neji: "It looks like there's a large cavern inside, but..."

Lee: "But?"

Neji: "I can't really see clearly what's going on inside... It looks like there are several people inside."

Naruto: "What about Gaara, Neji? What's happening to Gaara?!"

Neji: "Wait! I'm searching right now!" Neji spots a Gaara lying on the ground motionless.

Naruto: "Neji!"

Neji: "Hey!" Neji looks into one of the eyes of a statue and gasps as it moves. He continues to watch the eyes close. "Wh-What's...that..?"

Naruto: "What is it? Hey! What's in there, Neji?!"

Neji: "Let go of me."

Sakura: "What was in there?"

Neji: "It's hard to explain in words..."

Tenten: "Which means..."

Lee: "Which means we just have to check it out directly for ourselves, right?"

Guy: "That makes things simple." Guy jumps back as the rest watch him. He rushes forward and punches the wall, hard. "A barrier, huh." (Y/n) activates his sharingan and inspects the barrier ahead.

Lee: "What's the plan?"

Guy: "First, we have to remove the barrier, Lee."

Tenten: "How do we do that?"

(Y/n): "This is a five-seal barrier. That's the first step, Neji can you find the other four?" He nods in response and reactivates his byakugan and looks around.

Neji: "I found them!"

Naruto: "Where are they Neji?!"

Neji: "There's one on a boulder about 500 meters northeast of here. The second one is on the trunk of a tree growing along a riverbank 350 meters to the south-southeast. The third one is on a cliff about 650 meters to the northwest. The last one is in a forest a little less than 800 meters to the southwest. Those are the four locations." (Y/n) quickly writes the information down on a small notebook that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Sakura: "If so, then they are pretty far away. What will the signal be?"

Guy: "No problem there! At that distance, we should be able to use wireless radios."

Naruto: "Wireless radios, huh?!":

Kakashi: "I see." Guy gives them his signature thumbs up with a smile.

Guy: "Okay, we'll all stay in communication and find the tags with Neji's directions!" Guy handed his team a radio as he continued to speak. "We'll remove the tags in the four surrounding locations. If this is a competition of speed our team will probably be faster, after all."

(Y/n): "Uncle you're the only one on your team faster than me." He just smiles and gives a thumbs up.

Naruto: "We're counting on you!" He returns the smile and thumbs up."

Guy: "Alright, you head for the northwest forest, Lee! I leave the northeast boulder to you, Neji."

Neji: "Roger."

Guy: "And you take the south-southeast, Tenten."

Tenten: "Understood."

Guy: "I'll head for the northwest cliff. I'm sure that one will be in the location most difficult to remove."

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