I Need Help

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Sorry, but this isn't a chapter. As the title says, I need help. Not with writing, but with something more personal. I know that I don't know any of you. Well, I know one person personally who reads this, but that's not the point. The point is, I need someone to help me. I've always felt like this, but it's been more and more taxing on my mind. I hope some of you understand what I'm about to talk about otherwise I'll look stupid.

I don't really feel anything, but my body will display the emotion I'm supposed to feel. Someone tells a joke everyone laughs at? I'll laugh, but I won't feel happy. I'm supposed to be sad, or upset? I'll cry, but I won't feel sad. The only things I seem to feel anymore are pain and hate... And that hate is mostly towards myself. I haven't resorted to drugs, self harm, or drinking. It's just... I feel lost. I think... I don't really know. And I don't know why but my hands are shaking. I don't know if it's out of fear that you'll all look at me differently for showing weakness. Or hate for myself that I have to confide in people I don't even know.

I don't know what's wrong with me. All I know is I need help. And I figured that talking to people I don't know would be easier than trying to talk to my parents who think I'm happy, and feel emotions. I don't live a bad life, far from it. My parents are good people who love me, and take care of me. It's just... I don't feel anything. My body knows I should love my parents, but my mind doesn't really feel it. And I hate myself for that. I mean... they're the reason I am here! They're the reason why I breathe today... I just... please... help me...

If you want... to help... you can either comment something here, message me, or my discord is Arcxne#5149. I honestly don't care who it is. I just desperately need help. Someone... anyone... please... help me... please

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