Chapter 29

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(Y/n) POV)

I woke up the next morning and decided to get a shower since I didn't last night. Afterwards I left my house after getting fully dressed so I'm not walking around shirtless again. I walked toward Ichiraku cause I'm sure that's where Naruto is.

Naruto: "Oh... It's hot!"

Ayame: "Be careful. Our ramen noodles stay hot till the end."

Naruto: "It's just not easy eating with my left hand." I walk in and chuckle at Naruto's state. I stayed quiet as Sakura scooted closer to him.

Sakura: "Here, lend me those chopsticks." I saw Teuchi going to say something to me but I made a shushing motion as I watched.

'I'm getting some blackmail material.' Then Sai held some chopsticks out.

Sai: "Say ahh."

Naruto: "This isn't the part for you to butt in!" He raises his arm and snaps his chopsticks as Sakura grabs his arm to stop him.

Sai: "What?" I bust out laughing as I fall on the floor.

Dad: "Yo..."

Naruto: "Not "What"!"

Sai: "Huh?"

Dad: "What's going on?"

Naruto: "Just when Sakura was about to feed me!" I laugh harder as I find it harder and harder to breathe.

Sai: "When a friend is in trouble, you must help him. That's what a true friend does according to this book."

Naruto: "Never mind reading books like that. Just read the situation, will you?"

Sai: "How can I read something I can't see?" Naruto yells in annoyance.

Naruto: "You're such a pain!"

Dad: "What's with all this noise?"

Sakura: "Kakashi-sensei! Naruto can't eat with his right hand, and we're having a little disagreement over who's going to feed him." And then dad takes part and appears next to Naruto holding his bowl and chopsticks.

Dad: "Here, eat!" I didn't think I could laugh any harder than I was, but apparently I was wrong.

Sakura: "By the way, Kakashi-sensei, I'm surprised that you haven't landed in the hospital after a huge mission like that." Dad then sulks.

Dad: "So is that how people perceive me nowadays? What a shock... Well, this time, I didn't need to use my mangekyou sharingan, you see. If you all hadn't arrived in time, I would've used it again for sure. Then, just as you imagined, I'd probably be lying in bed now." I managed to calm myself down as I stood up.

"I would've used mine first. I can use mine without being put in the hospital." Dad sulked again while laughing nervously.

Dad: "Naruto... You've definitely gotten stronger. You're equal to me, or even stronger. But keep in mind that the greater the jutsu you use, the greater the risk to you."

Naruto: "Yeah..."

Dad: "Naruto... That new jutsu of yours..."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei... I know myself best! I'm going to be the Hokage one day, you know. I'm really powerful, so there's nothing to worry about!"

Sakura: "I shouldn't have bothered worrying about him."

"I think I know why this jutsu is so damaging to you, Naruto." They all look at me. "It's because you can't throw it. So if you want the rasen-shuriken to be even stronger... you need to try and learn to throw it. Otherwise, use it as a last resort." He nods as I pat his shoulder. "I feel like you listen to me easier than the others."

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