Chapter 25

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(Y/n) POV)

I woke up feeling the familiar chill of Takeshi's cave.

"Did I do it?" My voice was raspy from sleep.

Takeshi: "Indeed young one. I can not teach you anything else from here."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?!"

Takeshi: "I've taught you the basics of what you need to know. But in order to truly use Ghyatan you have to embrace it within yourself."

"Is that why this is more dangerous to learn than senjutsu?"

Takeshi: "Correct. When a shinobi learns senjutsu most of them attempt to draw out the full power called Sage Mode. Those who attempt to learn Sage Mode can be helped by their trainers so they don't turn into a frog like at Mount Myoboku."

"So you're saying I don't have to worry about turning into a dragon."

Takeshi: "Indeed, but the price that could be paid is ten times worse."

"What do I turn into a salamander or something?" Takeshi chuckles.

Takeshi: "No young one. The price of Ghyatan is heavy. If you ever disturb the balance of Ghyatan you get erased from existence."

"So I get hit with the delete key. Got it."

Takeshi: "It will be hard but you must never disturb that balance."

"Are you worried about me?" Takeshi sighs and shakes his head.

Takeshi: "You are one of my students. I care about everyone of my pupils. So yes, I am worried about you." I chuckle as I finally stand. I feel a ping in my head and I wave to Takeshi before flashing. I appear in a familiar sandy office area.

Gaara: "You came."

"I told ya I would, didn't I?" Gaara smiles slightly as I get tackled from behind.

Ayame: "It's been so long (Y/n)!"

"Ayame?" I look over my shoulder from the floor. "You're working with Gaara huh?" She gets off of me and smiles.

Ayame: "Yup!"

"Anyway, why did you call Gaara? You don't seem to be in any danger... unless..." I look at Ayame suspiciously. "What did you do to him?" Ayame blushes furiously.

Gaara: "I need your help." I turn back to Gaara as he hands me a file.

"Ok who the fuck names their kid Logaku? That's just cruel." Ayame chuckles while Gaara smirks. "Like seriously, he's gotta be mentally fucked if he still goes by a name like that." Gaara begins to laugh slowly now while Ayame almost fell over from laughing.

Gaara: "He's a dangerous man you know. He's said to be as strong as a Kage."

"Oh that's gotta be bullshit!" Gaara shakes his head.

Gaara: "I thought the same thing until an entire ANBU unit was wiped out by him in seconds."

"Those numbers are insultingly low."

Gaara: "Anyway, I wanted to ask for your help in taking him down and retrieving an amulet he stole."

"We talking about that amulet we talked about like two years ago." Gaara nods. "Well why didn't you say so sooner?!"

Gaara: "You were too busy teasing Ayame." I chuckle as a knock sounds on the door. "Come in!" Temari opens the door and completely ignores me as she sets a scroll down on Gaara's desk.

"Wow ponytails, can't believe you still ignore me." She turns to look at me before punching my shoulder. "You know I probably deserve that but for some reason I don't know why I do." Temari shakes her head for a second.

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