Chapter 40

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(Y/n) POV)

Another vision takes hold after a day of complete darkness in this cave... This time it's a vision of a different universe... I think... I don't know... My brain is so damn tired. I stand over a dead body... Naruto's body... My sword was drawn... Did I...? 'I don't understand... Why does this cave continuously show me these visions?! It doesn't make any sense!' The other me turned to face a frightened Sasuke. He had his headband on still, almost like he never left the Leaf to begin with.

Vision Sasuke: "Why?! Why (Y/n)?!"

Alt. Me: "Haven't you realized it yet Sasuke? I've been using you all from the start. My father sent me here to infiltrate the Leaf Village and gain your trust. When I did that, my objective was to take you all out one by one. I'd hoped not to be caught, but it's fitting that another with the sharingan would be the one to find me." My hands were shaking as I watched the alt. me lick the blood from his blade, MY blade.

V. Sasuke: "This isn't you!"

Alt. Me: "You don't know me Sasuke... You never did..." The vision fades to black as I teleport behind Sasuke, and slit his throat.

'What... the hell was that? Some kind of alternate reality?' I held my hands together tightly as I tried to get them to stop shaking. 'I-I don't understand! Why?! Why are you showing me this?!' My body jerks as the feeling of falling takes over my senses. I feel my eyelids droop until I feel my body hit the ground. I lay there for a moment, the pain from the fall only amplified by the cold. I opened my eyes to this glorious crystalline-like ice cave. It was completely empty inside, but rather spacious. It was just me here, nobody else. I'm all alone for this... The ice began to take shape into a humanoid figure... Me...

Alt. Me: "Hello, failure. Fancy seeing you here."

"What the hell are you?"

Alt. Me: "I'm you, and you are me. The difference is, I took the right path... I'm stronger and faster than you could ever hope to be." I glance down to my hip to find my sword wasn't there. "Aww, can't fight without your precious little blade? I wonder how you'll be able to beat me without that. Oh wait... You can't. You wouldn't even be able to beat Sakura when she was a genin without your blade."

'He's just trying to anger you... ignore it...'

Alt. Me: "You do know we share thoughts right? We're the same person after all, just that one of us is vastly superior to the other."

"You talk to much." I dashed forward as I activated my sharingan. There is one key difference between me and this alternate me, he doesn't have a rennigan.  When I got in range he quickly swung his blade at me, in a second it was an inch away from my face. "Almighty Push!" Both the blade and the doppelganger were sent flying away from me and into the icy wall behind them.

Alt. Me: "That's interesting... Where'd you get that eye?"

"Courtesy of our "top grade" father."

Alt. Me: "That's odd... father never brought that up to me..."

"Ha! Loser." I slam my hands together and summon the massive dog thing Pain used against me. It only had one head right now, but I knew that would change. I watch alt. me's eyes squint before he throws one of my knives over the beats before flashing to it and decapitating the summon. I smirk before teleporting to the mark myself and kicking other me down into the ground below the regenerated heads of hydra dog. One of the new heads bit down on alt. me only to explode with the lightning of the chidori. Alt. me uses body flicker to get away from us as the hydra dog now has three heads. "What's wrong? Can't handle my pet?"

Alt. Me: "Quit being a coward and fight me!"

"As you wish." I jumped off hydra dog and commanded him to stand back and watch. As I ran towards alt. me, a vision hits.

Naruto: "It's your fault!"

My head pounds as I lose my balance, allowing alt. me to get a nice cut in on my side. I swung my fist, but it was swiftly blocked and countered with a hard kick to the ribs. The kick sends me rolling backwards as I fought to regain balance. As I landed from the rolling, I sent chakra throughout my body as lightning began coursing through my veins.

Alt. Me: "You really think I don't know that trick?" He copies my move as both of our sharingan shine brightly. I just smirked before running towards him again.

Sasuke: "It should've been you!"

The lightning fizzles out as alt. me lands a hard elbow into my nose before swinging his sword horizontally towards my neck. I ducked at the last second before quickly bringing the lightning back into my fist as I landed a punch into other me's gut.

Tenten: "Don't come near me!"

My chest clenched as I looked down.

'It's not real...'

Alt. Me: "Believe me... this is very real." I looked up to him as the lightning fizzled out my hands once more. "These people don't care for you. Not a single one of them want you around. They all believe you're to blame, you should be dead, you don't deserve to be around them. You only deserve death, and that's what's coming to you." I sat there on a knee as I desummoned hydra dog.

"Maybe you're right..." I took in a deep breath as I felt my body grow stronger. "I should be dead... all those people I let die would be breathing right now if I wasn't such a goddamn failure..." The first gate opens... "Maybe there'd be peace if I wasn't born." The second gate opens. "I guess we'll never know those answers for certain." The third gate opens. "But if there's one thing I'm sure about." The fourth gate opens. "It's that I'm not dying here today." The fifth gate opens. "I'll kill you and these sick illusions you're planting in my brain." The sixth gate opens. "I'll  return to Konoha and protect it from Pain... I'll save as many lives as I can... AND WHETHER I LIVE OR DIE THERE'S NO GOD ALIVE WHO WILL STOP ME FROM PROTECTING THOSE I LOVE TILL MY LAST BREATH!!!" Seventh gate, The Gate of Wonder, has opened... Let the battle begin.

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