Chapter 8

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(Y/n) POV)

Dad: "A sand... what does this mean?"

Hag: "I don't know either. But...he went missing right around the time Gaara was taken."

Sakura: "Could it be that... he was a spy for the Akatsuki?"

Hag: "I don't believe it. He served on the council for four years."

"It'd make a good diversion. Who'd expect one of the members of the council to be a snake?"

Dad: "The fireball jutsu was created by the Uchiha Clan and they use it a lot by preference... And that jutsu was the real thing."

Hag: "It's just as I thought... they were stalling for time."

Dad: "They've sure got a good jutsu."

"Yeah, I didn't even notice this wasn't Itachi with my sharingan."

Hag: "Using a jutsu like this to stall us means they're undoubtedly already extravting the Tailed Beast!"

Dad: "We don't have time. We must save Gaara right away."

Sakura: "E-Excuse me. What do you mean extract the tailed beast?"

Hag: "It's likely that their intention is to create a new jinchuriki using the one tail, Shukaku."

Sakura: "Jinchuriki?"

Hag: "I explained before how the tailed beasts possess a power beyond human comprehension, didn't I? And how each land attempted to use them as military weapons. The jinchuriki... is what you might call the one who controls that power."

Sakura: "But earlier you said, "The tailed beasts have an immense chakra, and in the world of ninja were used for military purposes by hidden villages around the world. They competed to get their hands on them. But none was able to control that power which had surpassed human intelligence."

Hag: "In the end, that is... But in the past, there were those who attempted to control that power. They attempted to control the tailed beast... by sealing it inside people. By doing so, they tried to suppress the extreme power of the tailed beast and then control that power. And the ones with the tailed beast sealed within them... in other words, people like Gaara were called the jinchuriki. The striking feature of the jinchuriki is how it utilizes unbelievable power by resonating with the tailed beast. Including Gaara, there have been three jinchuriki in the history of the sand."

Sakura: "So wars were fought using jinchuriki."

Hag: "That's right."

Sakura: "Then, the people who've been turned into a jinchuriki... How can the tailed beast be extracted?"

Hag: "What's required is a sealing jutsu with the ability to instantaneously balance the power of the tailed beast, in addition to plenty of time. But if that's done, the jinchuriki..."

"Dies... Everyone, we need to move. No more wasting time. We've got a raccoon possessed redhead to save." I turn and begin walking away but the others don't follow right away.


Dad: "Stop!" We all land in a clearing with the sun beginning to set.

Naruto: "What is it, Kakashi-sensei?"

Dad: "We're going to take a short break here."

Hag: "That's a wise decision." Naruto took offence to that.

Naruto: "Why?! You're the one who said we don't have time! If we waste time taking a break here, Gaara will be-"

Dad: "Compared to right before we encountered the fake Itachi, our pace has clearly slowed."

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