Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV)

Tsunade: "Alright (Y/n) it's time for your Jonin exam." I nod as I stood across from my aunt. "Meet me at the training grounds at noon." I nod once again before flickering out of the Hokage building, leaving a seal on the doorframe. It was currently 8:00 a.m. so I had some time. I sit on a tree pulling out a familiar orange covered book.

(3 hours and 58 minutes later)

"Guess I should show up huh?" I sigh, pocketing the book before flickering over to the clearing that my exam would take place in.

Tsunade: "Good of you to join us (Y/n)" I look over the four Jonin standing behind auntie.

"Dad, Uncle Guy, Yang and Auntie Kurenai. This'll be fun."

Yang: "Good to see you back (Y/n)!"

"It's good to be back."

Tsunade: "The reunion can wait! Now, first part of the exams will be Kenjutsu." I smirk. "You'll be going up against Yang for that." I grin as she continues. "Next will be Taijutsu." I feel myself stiffen. "Against Guy." My body begins to shake as Guy grins. "Then it'll be Genjutsu against Kurenai."

"Then it'll be Dad last for Ninjutsu." Tsunade nods. "Great." 

Tsunade: "Let's not waste time! Yang, (Y/n)! Get ready, the kenjutsu test will begin now!" The other three move with Tsunade to the side of the clearing. "You both will fight with different weapons, changing between them during the fight. We'll start with your main weapons and move from there." We nod drawing our respective katanas. "Three! Two! One! Begin!" We rush at each other, engaging in a clash between blades. 

Yang: "I've been training for our rematch!" I chuckle sweeping his legs out from under him.

"That's cute." Using my momentum I spin my body slamming my foot into his stomach, sending him flying back. He lands easily and uses the body flicker himself appearing behind me. "Oh." I turn blocking a slash. "So you know that now. Good to know." I smirk turning into a log as our katanas are snatched from us. Two wooden staffs get thrown into our hand. I place a seal on the staff before throwing it as hard as I can at Yang. He looks confused before catching it easily.

Yang: "What was your plan there?" I smirk before appearing before him right next to the seal.

"Sadly the Body Flicker is below me now." I flip slamming the wood onto the top of his head. I land spinning the staff in my hands. Yang stands groggily.

Yang: "The hell was that?!"

"I'll tell you afterwards." I rush forward planting my foot swinging the lightweight staff horizontally only for Yang to block it. We clash for a good while, both of us blocking the others attacks. I manage to break Yang's guard only for the staff to get ripped from my hands and replaced with a kusarigama. I react as soon as the weapon landed in my hands, wrapping the chain around Yang at high speed before kicking him to the ground pointing the blade at his neck. "It's over."

Yang: "Technically you lost cause you used a jutsu."

"So did you. So therefor I get a reprieve."  Tsunade chuckles from the sidelines. I release the chained Yang before the kusarigama gets ripped from my hands being replaced by my katana.

Yang: "We gotta have an actual rematch after this."


Tsunade: "Alright, next! Taijutsu, (Y/n) give me your katana." I gulp but reluctantly unhook the sheathe and throwing it to auntie who catches it with ease. "Guy, you ready?"

Guy: "Always!" Guy appears across from me ready to give me my inevitable beatdown.  

Tsunade: "This fight will be strictly taijutsu. And that means no jutsu at all (Y/n)!" I nod looking away slightly. "We will begin in three, two, one.... Begin!" In an instant uncle was right next to me, I duck a kick attempting to sweep his legs but he jumps nailing me with an axe kick. I roll back and jump back gaining a bit of distance. That distance is instantly closed however as uncle appears next to me again throwing a punch to my gut. I put my arms up to guard but I get thrown back into a tree hard. I push off the tree activating my sharingan going to kick uncles chest only for him to slap it out of the way. This time however I can follow his movements fully and dodge his attack.

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