Chapter 15

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(Y/n) POV)

Early the next morning we had some sort of simulation for the capture of Sasori's spy. Yamato asked me to watch the three because it wouldn't be very fair if I participated, it's bullshit but he's the captain on the mission so I sat on a tree branch reading. I looked up seeing "the target" walking across the bridge. Sakura walks out transformed as Hiruko as Yamato walks up to her. Sakura throws up the signal as Naruto and Sai jump out to capture "the spy." Yamato tries to run off.

Naruto: "Hold it!" Naruto throws a kunai at Yamato causing his hood to fall, forcing him to freeze in the process.

Sakura: "Now, Naruto!"

Naruto: "Let's go, Sai." Yamato stood at the ready as the three rushed him. They engage Yamato in taijutsu but it's not going in their favor. The two rush again with Sai in the lead. Naruto forms a Rasengan in Sai's hand causing Yamato to trap him in a wood jutsu. Sai puffs into smoke as it reveals to be a Naruto clone transformed. Naruto himself jumps over the trapped clone and tackles Yamato to the ground. From the forest line an inky Serpent wraps around the both of them. "Why are you grabbing me, too?! Hey, Sai! Do something about this!" Sai just turns and runs off. "H-Hey! Where are you going, Sai?! I've already captured Captain Yamato, so hurry up and untie me!"

Sakura: "Naruto! What're you doing?! That isn't Captain Yamato."

Naruto: "Huh? What?" Naruto turns back and looks at "Yamato." "What the hell is this?! Damn it! Hey, Sai! Hurry up and untie this snake!" I sigh and flicker to Sai who had already captured Yamato. The other two arrived a bit later.

Yamato: "You did well to capture me, Sai." Sai puts his fingers up and releases his jutsu that bound Yamato. "Alright, that's the end of the simulation."

"Hold on a minute."

Yamato: "Hm?"

"If this was supposed to be a simulation on the capture of this spy. Then they failed in the end."

Sai: "We captured Captain, didn't we?"

"Yet you left Naruto out in the forest, what would've happened if Sakura wasn't in the area? What would've happened if the Akatuski decided to ambush us right then and there? The answer, Naruto would, on the worst case scenario, be dead or captured by the Akatuski. Now I don't give I fuck where you were before you joined us on this mission. But you are not the captain of this mission. You don't act on your own accord, for whatever the reason."

Sai: "If that's the case, then I don't have to listen to you. After all, you're not the captain." I began laughing as I slowly clapped.

"That's true, you don't have to listen to me. But I'd highly recommend it. Because if you don't..." I lean next to his ear and whisper. "I'll choke you with that picture book you hold so dear. Each and every page while you see you brother's face. Until... everything's gone. Gone like the life from your dear brother's eyes." Sai's breath hitches as I back away. "With that being said... Let's go, we have a mission to complete." I continued walking until I realized they weren't following me. I turned seeing Naruto a fair distance away with Sai talking with Sakura.

Sai: "Why does he feel so strongly about Sasuke?"

Sakura: "Naruto and (Y/n)... they both think of Sasuke like a brother. You've got a brother, too, don't you? You should understand a little about how he feels."

Sai: "No, not at all. I told you about titles for my drawings, right? I have no such thing as emotions."

'Keep telling yourself that bullshit lie.'

Sakura: "What do you mean you don't feel anything or have any emotions?"

Sai: "I mean just what I said." There's silence for a moment as Sakura looks back to Naruto.

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