Chapter 24

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(Y/n) POV)

A day later Sora had woken up. His body was burned but Sakura was able to heal him slowly. Naruto and I stood on either side of him as Sakura continued to work on healing him.

Naruto: "Sora... how are you feeling? Let's get you home."

Sora: "Go home... to where?"

Naruto: "What're you saying? The Hidden Leaf Village of course!"

Sora: "Konoha... You mean the Konoha I tried to destroy..."

Naruto: "That doesn't matter! You're our friend! It doesn't matter what people say. We're friends!"

Sora: "Friends."

Sakura: "That's right!" She pulls away from him as she finishes the healing. He looks around seeing everyone else in the room.

"You know... I honestly thought about killing you when I heard what you did. So you almost had a taste of what the death wish four got. Still don't know any of their names. Anyway, Naruto's my brother. We're not related but that doesn't matter. So if it weren't for him, I would've killed you. Now that the serious shit is out the way. You made my brother worry about you, you selfish prick." I flick his forehead as the others in the room chuckle. "Now don't turn down this opportunity. We're all your friend, that's why we were trying to help you. Don't worry about what you tried to do cause you failed. Anyway, as long as we're alive you don't have to worry about what those stupid monks think about you. They're not you so they will never understand you. If there's one thing I know. Naruto's the king of understanding someone else's pain." I pat his shoulder and walk to the door. "Who knows you might join Naruto as my brother. But I wouldn't count on that." I wink at him as I walk out the room. And as the door closes behind me, my face meets the floor. "God damnit."

Tenten: "Sorry (Y/n)..." I look up at her as she was rubbing her arm out of embarrassment. I sigh before appearing behind her.

"Everytime huh?" She turns around and smiles sheepishly. She had bandages on her arms and small patches on her face. "You ran into my clones yesterday too, didn't you?"

Tenten: "Yeah..." She looks down as I chuckle.

"Sometimes I feel like you have a targeting system that forces you to hit me every chance you get." She blushes before she turns and begins to walk away. I chuckle and appear in front of her. "Why are you running? Did I embarrass you?" She sighs and tries to walk around me only to begin walking beside her. We walked in silence around the village until we see Sora beginning to run from Naruto and the others. "Oh yeah, I have to go back to Mount Reika." Tenten looks at me as I wave before flashing away and back into the darkness of the cave. "Takeshi?!" The old dragon looks at me.

Takeshi: "You've passed the first test."

"Huh? I didn't make it through the week."

Takeshi: "That's true, but you were able to move through the coldness of this cave. The test wasn't to last a week. The test was to be able to move freely throughout this environment."

"Why do you have to be cryptic." 

Takeshi: "I am a dragon you know."

"Touché." We begin to laugh as I felt the energy flowing around me. "Can I ask you something?"

Takeshi: "Go ahead."

"Are you teaching me Senjutsu?"

Takeshi: "Yes and no. You see while my techniques are similar to that of senjutsu it is not the same thing. The fabled Sage Mode is not what I will be teaching you. What I am teaching you is an ancient variant of Sage Mode. It is called Ghyatan. It is a lot more dangerous and way harder to learn compared to Sage Mode."

"So why teach me the Ghyatan thing?"

Takeshi: "Because it's ten times stronger than Sage Mode. Anyway, we are moving you onto faze two." He makes a large ice crystal to his left. "Break this without using your sword." I look at the large crystal before walking up to it. I place my hand against it feeling the chill it was producing. I took a step back before bringing my leg up and kicking the crystal as hard as I could. It doesn't break but there is a good sized crack in the thing as I brought my leg back.

'So this thing is very tough.'

Takeshi: "You have a good base strength. Now channel the nature energy through you."

"So it's like my thunder dragon jutsu."

Takeshi: "Indeed." I nod to myself before focusing around me. I focus the nature energy into my body then bring it into my leg before throwing another kick. The thing shatters but Takeshi doesn't seem impressed. "That is wrong."

"Huh? I broke the crystal didn't I?"

Takeshi: "Correct. Yet the way you did it was wrong."

"What did I do wrong?"

Takeshi: "You had to focus to bring out the nature energy. If you can shatter that crystal without having to focus, you will pass. Use the nature energy around you without having to absorb it into your body. That is the premise of Ghyatan." I sigh and empty the thoughts in my mind. I let go and leave my mind blank before throwing another kick at a new crystal. The thing cracks before exploding into billions of pieces. "Faze two complete." I look at the shattered remains of the crystal before I begin to feel lightheaded. I fall forward before a wing catches me. "Well done young one." 

(3rd POV)

Ayame stood next to Gaara who was busy sorting through paperwork.

Ayame: "Logaku is a weird name."

Gaara: "Yeah... but he managed to steal that necklace." He looked at a picture of him and then a picture of an ancient looking necklace.

Ayame: "He doesn't look mentally there." Gaara chuckles as he looks at the photo.

Gaara: "That's probably because he isn't. He apparently was exiled from the Hidden Rain because of heinous acts he had committed there. He was a Jonin there but some reports say he could rival a Kage."

Ayame: "Are you going to go after him?"

Gaara: "Yeah, but I might call for some back up." 

Ayame: "Who are you gonna call?" Gaara picks up the throwing knife he had on his desk.

Gaara: "I think I have an idea of who'd be willing to help."

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