Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV)

Sakura: "I never thought I'd find this assortment of medicinal herbs here in Suna." Sakura and I were hard at work creating an antidote for Kankuro.

Sand medic: "Still, the soil is not well suited to growing medicinal herbs. In particular, we only have a small amount of Scurvy Grass."

Sakura: "No, this much is plenty."

"We should be able to make at least three antidotes with this."

(Timeskip brought to you by scene changes)

It was dark out now, and we finally got a potential antidote completed. The sand medics grab a scroll and the container of the poison while Sakura gets the antidote ready. As the sand medic sets a small portion of the poison the scroll, Sakura drops a bit of the antidote onto it causing the poison to disappear.

Sakura: "It's ready."

(In the hospital)

Sakura: "Be sure to drink it all down." Sakura was giving Kankuro the antidote now. Kankuro coughs after swallowing. "You should be alright now, I think. Just lie there and rest for a while without moving until the numbness goes away."

Baki: "You should all get a good night's rest as well. I've prepared a room for you to use."

Naruto: "But we've gotta find Gaara quickly!"

Dad: "I'll take advantage of your kindness, if I may. We're going on a harsh march from tomorrow."

Naruto: "I understand." 

(Timeskip while Kankuro has a flashback)

After Kankuro asked Naruto to take care of his little brother we were taken to our room. While the others entered I said I was going to take a walk. I walk to the top of the walls of the village. I sigh looking out at the desert below. I sit down, crossing my legs, moving my mask to the side of my head. It was cold out, which was nice. I sat there in silence for a while before I felt a presence behind me.

"What are you doing here... Itachi Uchiha?" I look over my shoulder at him my sharingan staring into his own.

Itachi: "You've grown."

"Why are you here? I won't ask again."

Itachi: "I'm not here to fight. Nor am I here for Naruto, not yet anyway."

"That still doesn't answer my question."

Itachi: "I want to talk."

"That's new. I thought I wasn't worth your time... that's what you told me, during the massacre." Itachi stayed stone faced looking at me. I stand turning around to face him fully. "So... what do you want to talk about?"

Itachi: "About your plans."


Itachi: "I'm going to talk with you about your plans for the future."


Itachi: "I want to."

"What's with you? You know Itachi, I realize that you were lying back then. Not at that point in time but I know that's not you. Don't even try to deny it." Itachi stared at me.

Itachi: "Everything I said was true."

"Really? You really want Sasuke to hate you that much? You really want to die by his hands instead of living your life?"

Itachi: "Yes."

"Sometimes I wonder how you were considered a genius. You are... how do I put this... fucking stupid." Itachi looks at me a little confused. "So you try to make me and Sasuke hate you by killing the Uchiha clan. You may have been an older brother to me. But unlike Sasuke, I'm not as easy to manipulate. I saw the tears you had wiped off your face. You're in more pain than almost everyone in Konoha. I don't need to know the truth... I can figure that out on my own."

Itachi: "I thought you would figure me out."

"So tell me, why care now about my plans for the future?"

Itachi: "What do you plan to do in the future?"

"Don't dodge my question."

Itachi: "Don't dodge mine."

"I have no plans... all I want is a family and the strength to protect that family. Anything else is a bonus."

Itachi: "I... I guess I can't hide a lot from you... so I'll tell you why... Keep this conversation between us." I nod crossing my arms. "When me and Kakashi found you I felt a familiar feeling of family with you... Do you know who your mother is?"

"Hiori Uchiha."

Itachi: "Correct... The reason I wanted to talk to you is because she's been appearing in my head."

"You too?"

Itachi: "You... too?"

"Yeah, she appears in my head from time to time. She hasn't for a little bit now though."

Itachi: "Anyway, she keeps pestering me about not checking on you."

'You do realize he's in the Akatsuki right?"

Mom: 'Yeah but he could still check on you from time to time! I taught him to have manners for a reason!'

'You're worse than Naruto.'

Itachi: "During the massacre, she was the first one I killed... it was my third hardest kill that night."

"Aunt Mikoto and Uncle Fugaku were the hardest then?"

Itachi: "Yeah... look I had no plans of doing this. Blame your mother on that."

"You should go soon Itachi."

Itachi: "Danzo."


Itachi: "Danzo was who ordered me to assassinate the Uchiha clan." I stared at him wide eyed for a moment. "I can feel a conflict within you about your Uchiha bloodline. You don't have to be denying it. The only way you can use the gifts you have is to accept  your heritage. You are (Y/n) Uchiha, never forget that." Itachi disperses into crows. I watch them all fly off before looking up at the stars.

'Danzo huh?'


Short chapter I know, sorry about that but I want the Kazekage retrieval to be its own chapter. I also wanted to thank you all cause we recently hit 10k reads on the original Naruto X Male Reader fanfic! That's a milestone I didn't think I would hit. Maybe 5k but I didn't think I was good enough of a writer to reach 10k. I'm going to start writing the next chapter as soon as this one is published but I don't know if I'll finish it. I'm gonna try to as a thank you for officially making me realize I have 10,000 of you bastards who have read my fanfic. Thanks for that anxiety by the way. Anyway I'll stop with the thank yous now. I'll see you all in the next chapter. Till next time!

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