Chapter 18

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(Y/n) POV)

The color of the halls walls began to get old quickly as I opened and closed doors. 'Where the fuck is this dumb ass?!' I felt a chakra spike from Naruto and began running in that direction. 'I can't be using chakra needlessly incase I have to face either Sasuke or Orochimaru.' I continue to run around, aimlessly looking through different doors and still not finding anything. I felt chakra move around a room and ran around the corner. I saw Sai looking into a door. I quickly hide around the corner I came from and watched. I barely heard something thing Sai said.

Sai: "...take you back to the Leaf!"

'So he's had a change of heart.'

Sai: "Although at the beginning. I came here with the intention of killing you. I want to protect his bond with you, the one he's desperately trying to draw closer to." I slowly began moving closer to him but stayed a safe distance away. I could here Sasuke now.

Sasuke: "You interrupted my sleep for something like that?" As Sai makes a handsign the area we were in explodes. Smoke covered the area. As it clears, Sasuke stood at the top of the crater. Sakura ran out a bit later and grabs Sai's collar.

Sakura: "You! What're you really after?! How many times do you have to betray us until you're satisfied?"

Sasuke: "Sakura, huh?" She freezes and looks up at Sasuke. "" A little bit later, Naruto runs out. He also looks up, seeing Sasuke. His eyes widen.

Naruto: "Sasuke..."

Sasuke: "Naruto, huh? So even you were here, huh?"

"Stealth can only go so far. Especially when the area your in blows the fuck up." I say smirking at Sasuke.

Sasuke: "You're here too, (Y/n). Is Kakashi also with you?"

Yamato: "Sorry, it's not Kakashi... I'm his substitute. Team Kakashi will now be taking you back to Konoha."

Sasuke: "Team Kakashi, huh?" Sai draws his tanto.

Sakura: "Sai! I knew it!"

Sasuke: "So he's my replacement, huh? Some soft one has once again joined up. He said he wanted to protect the bond between Naruto and me, but..."

Sakura: "Sai... I thought your mission was to kill Sasuke." I draw my katana because why wouldn't I in this situaiton.

Sai: "My classified mission was indeed the assassination of Sasuke. But I've had enough of orders. I now want to act on my own beliefs. I think Naruto will get me to remember... my past emotions. I kind of get the feeling it's something very important to me. I don't know you very well. But there must be some kind of reason why Naruto, (Y/n) and Sakura have pursued you so desperately. They don't want to sever their bonds with you... They're giving it their all to secure those bonds. I still don't understand it all that clearly. But Sasuke... you should understand."

Sasuke: "Yeah... I did understand. That's why I severed the bonds." It's silent for a decent bit. "I have different bonds... Bonds of hatred... with my older brother."

'How long is this gonna go on for?'

Sasuke: "Numerous bonds... mislead oneself... and weaken the most important desires... and cherished memories." Once again, it's quiet for a bit.

Naruto: "Why didn't you... Why didn't you kill me back then?! You think that could break our bond, Sasuke?!"

Sakura: "Naruto..."

Sasuke: "The reason's simple... It's not that I couldn't break the bond with you... It was just irritating me. Obtaining power based on the method he told me."

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