Chapter 26

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(Y/n POV)

As I walked toward the gates of Konoha I bumped into someone.

Lee: "Sorry my youthful rival!"

"It was my fault Lee."

Lee: "Spar with me!" I looked at him as he demanded. "You look like you have some things to get off your chest. Plus, it's been a while!" I thought for a second before sighing.

"Fine Lee, you win this time. Let's go." Lee ran off in the direction of the training grounds we first met. I sighed once more before flashing there. Surprisingly, Lee beat me there. I grabbed a rock from the ground as I switch my regular katana for a dull one. "Are you sure about this Lee?"

Lee: "Of course!" I chuckled slightly as he readied himself. I tossed the rock into the air and we waited. As the sound of the rock hitting the ground coursed around us, it was go time. Lee was the first to move as he appeared next to me as he tried to sweep my legs. I jumped to avoid and used my leverage to try and kick Lee. Though this is Lee we're talking about so he blocked easily. He then grabbed my leg and threw me before appearing in front of me and throwing a kick to my sternum. I rolled on the ground before bouncing back up. I activated my sharingan as I flashed behind him and swung the dull blade. Lee ducked so he wasn't hit and went to sweep my legs again. I saw the familiar skin discoloration of the third gate opening. I smirked as I upped the speed as well. I kicked Lee back as he performed a back handspring to gain some distance. We smirked as we rushed each other again. Though this clash would end with my blade flying out of my hands. My eye widened for a moment as I quickly blocked Lee's kick to the best of my ability. I managed to push Lee back with a palm to the chest before flashing to the mark I had here already.

"Well this isn't looking good for me. Taijutsu it is then." We traded punches and kicks. Lee obviously had me in the strength department, but I could feel my body slowly but surely getting stronger. Each attack hit with more intensity. Lee smiled as I smirked.

Lee: "Since when were you this good with Taijutsu?!"

"I train too you know!" We laugh as we bounce back from each other. I appear behind Lee as I palm the middle of his back. He disappears as I spin and block a kick of his. "What's with only three?"

Lee: "This is only sparing (Y/n)!" I chuckle as I notice that the sun is beginning to rise.

"How long have we been fighting?"

Lee: "I... I don't know..." I rush Lee again as he catches my punch.

"Welp... Why not continue?" He smirks as we continue throwing punches and kicks as sweat poured down our bodies. Lee managed to finally sweep my legs out from under me. As I fell I saw the fist coming my way and barely got my hand up to block some of the damage. I flew back as I bounced off the ground and hit a tree. I sat against the tree as Lee stopped his punch right in front of my face.

Lee: "Yield." I raised my hands as I smiled up at him.

"Thanks Lee... I really needed this." He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. He then opens his hand and helps me stand. "With everything that's I've dealt with in the past few days... I really need a break." Lee laughs as he wraps his arm around my neck.

Lee: "I'm glad to help!" I let out a breath as we walked back to the village.

"So what are we 1-1 now?" Lee nods with a smile. "We really need to bump those numbers up."

Lee: "Yes! We need numbers that rival Guy-sensei and Kakashi-sensei!" I chuckle as I remember the dull sword I left. I sigh before making a clone to go grab it. I feel a scroll reappear in my pouch and I smirk. I feel a ping in my head as I look at Lee.

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