Chapter 28

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(Y/n) POV)

I helped Naruto stand as I wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder. Ino ran over and began giving him first aid. Choji ran over as well.

Ino: "To think the original was with the clones."

Choji: "You're not on Shikamaru's level... but I guess you're pretty smart Naruto."

Naruto: "Don't compare me with Shikamaru..."

Yamato: "I'm impressed you were able to fire off your new jutsu three times. Even during training, two was the limit." 

"Can you move?"

Yamato: "Alright, everyone. Let's go back to Konoha."

Ino: "Where's Kakashi-sensei?"

Yamato: "Tying up loose ends."

"I'll get us back then I'll get Shikamaru and the other two."

(Timeskip brought to you by convenient teleportation)

Tsunade: "Good work, everyone. The immediate danger has passed, but the Akatsuki still remain. Don't let your guard down." We nod. "Naruto, those wounds are..."

Naruto: "Yeah, my badge of honor."

Sakura: "We did some emergency treatment."

Tsunade: "Just in case, get it checked thoroughly at the hospital."

Naruto: "Nah, I don't need..."

Sakura: "Yes, you do!" She then proceeds to punch him in the head multiple times. "Don't worry Master, I'll take full responsibility and take him there."

Tsunade: "Alright then, I order you to take a few days off. Rest your minds and your bodies. Dismissed!" I flashed to Kiara's door and knocked slowly. She opened a moment later and gasped when she saw me.

"Oh right, I'm still shirtless."

Kiara: "What happened to you?"

"Akatsuki, we got the bastards who killed Asuma." Kiara smiles as she pulls me inside. She began healing the wounds and burns on me. She pushed me down onto a chair near a dining table while she healed me. "Can I be honest?"

Kiara: "Hm?"

"I don't think I could handle losing someone else close to me. First Khrow dies, then I have somethings happen with my dead mother who lied to me in my own head, and then we have Asuma... I don't think I can stay strong much longer. If someone else dies... If someone else turns out to have been lying to me... I don't think I could take it." Kiara stops healing me and hugs me tightly.

Kiara: "You had a better relationship with Asuma-sensei than me and Yang. Right now, you're in more pain than the both of us. Just know, no matter what happens, Yang and I will always be there for you. We're always open and ready to help you bare the pain you feel. That's what teammates are for." I smile and hug her back lightly.

"Just don't die." She chuckles as she pulls back to punch my chest.

Kiara: "You get hurt more than we do!" I laugh as we separate from each other.

"Thanks Kiara... I owe you." She smiles and gives me a wave as I leave. "Sorry for dropping in just to be healed." She sighs as she waves me off.

Kiara: "I am the team medic. Now get out of here!" We laugh as I walk off with the wind blowing. I walk down the path until I meet the dirt.

Tenten: "Sorry! I had to keep the tradition."

"You cheeky little devil." She giggles as I stand and look over my shoulder at her. A light blush tinted her cheeks.

Tenten: "Say... Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"Well you see I had to fight some Akatsuki members and lost my shirt due to some fire." She laughs as she looks at me.

Tenten: "I wanted to let you know that I've got a mission. I'm going to be gone for a while."

"Oh thank god! I won't be eating dirt as often." She glares at me before punching my shoulder.

Tenten: "Not fair!" I chuckle as I wrap an arm over her shoulder.

"Be safe... seriously." She nods as she hugs me fully.

Tenten: "I will." We release each other as she runs off.

'You better not die... I'll break if you do.' I turn and began walking home, I didn't feel like teleporting. I got a few stares as I walked home. It didn't really bother me. As I unlocked the door to my home, and walked in I saw a journal on the dining room table. I grabbed it and saw only my name on it. 'This isn't mine?' I opened it and saw it was blank on the first few pages. I finally found some words after five pages.

'If you're reading this then that means Itachi actually listened to me. Look... I know that you probably hate me. I completely understand, but you've completely blocked me out from your mind. I want to look after you from the shadows if you won't let me do it in the light.' I felt anger boil in me as I read the words. 'I'm scared for you. I don't want to meet you in the afterlife too soon. I know you don't want anything to do with me... but can you at least talk to me one last time. Give me one more chance to explain myself... Please...' I felt my breathing grow more and more aggressive. I gripped the pages tightly before burning the journal in my hands. The ashes fell to the floor as I tried to calm myself.

Itachi: "I paid for that." I looked at him over my shoulder with a half glare. "I tried to tell her that wouldn't work." He places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with his regular eyes. "You can't ignore her forever you know."

"I know that." I shrug off his hand and take a seat on the couch. "I hate this part of me! Everything she lied to me about. Everything she did caused me to feel alone! Yet I can't bring myself to hate her! It's the same thing with my father. He tortured me, experimented on me! And yet I don't hate him... They're still my parents... I thought if I shut her out I'd forget about her... Go back to wondering who my mother was... Go back to where I didn't have this pain..." I felt tears begin to pool in my eyes. "All that did was make it worse... I don't get how you do it Itachi... I really don't... I don't know how much more I can take." Itachi sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

Itachi: "I don't know how I do it sometimes either. There're times where you just need to cry. I don't have anyone in the Akatsuki I can get these things off my chest with."

"How have you not broke yet?"

Itachi: "Sasuke and you. You two are the reason I remain sane."

"I don't know if I can take it much longer. Khrow, this bullshit with my mom, Asuma... I don't think I can take another one. I feel like I'd break down if someone else dies again."

Itachi: "It's perfectly normal to feel that way. You're stronger than most, but that doesn't mean you don't feel anything. You have people you can trust to talk to about your problems. Don't forget that." Itachi then disperses into crows as I wipe my eyes.

"You always leave before I can thank you." I clean the ashes of the journal as I fall onto the couch and fall asleep, today passed by really fast. 
















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