Chapter 19

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(Y/n) POV)

The next morning, me and my team sat in a small restaurant. The name of it I don't remember. Kiara ate her sushi quietly while Yang and Khrow both at similar foods, Khrow at cold soba while Yang's was hot. I myself ate some Ebi chiri.

"I've just realized this is the first time we've actually hung out with each other." The other three freeze for a moment, stopping mid bite as they take in my words.

Yang: "Holy shit you're right!"

Kiara: "Have we really never hung out before?" Khrow stays silent but he seems to be questioning everything.

"It didn't really become apparent to me until just now."

Khrow: "Maybe it was because we always saw each other here and there, and thought we had been with each other for much longer than we had?" He didn't seem very sure of himself.

"I guess that would make sense... We trained with each other from time to time but we haven't done much else." I sigh as we contemplate how little we've actually spent with each other.

Kiara: "Well why don't we go do something together for the day?"

Yang: "Yes!"

"You seem excited? Is it because Kiara suggested it?" Yang freezes as a small blush covers his face. Kiara seems to be blushing harder than Yang but I couldn't tell as I wasn't looking her direction. I laugh slightly as Khrow smirks. I pay for our meals and we head out and wander around Konoha looking for something to do. We don't actually decide on anything but we continue to walk and talk with each other until a hawks screech sounds overhead. We all look up and sigh sadly.

Kiara: "Looks like we're being called in." We nod and flash/flicker to the Hokage office.

Kiara, Yang, Khrow and I now stood in front of auntie.

Tsunade: "I need the four of you to go to the border of Amegakure and provide back up for Team Guy."

"What should we expect?"

Tsunade: "From what they say, a man in an orange mask who can't seem to be hit along with thousands of rain ninja attacked them on their mission." We all nod. "Be safe." We nod once again and flash/flicker to the entrance of Konoha.

"Alright we need to come up with a game plan. I can't safely use Flying Thunder God, and get us a safe distance away with all of us being teleported at the same time."

Kiara: "How many of us would you be able to do?"

"One other person besides myself if we want to be safe and get a good lay out of the battlefield before engaging."

Khrow: "How much would chakra would it use to bring us all one at a time?"

"A good amount but I should be able to do it."

Yang: "Well since it is you who's doing the heavy lifting right now, you should decide on if we do that or not." I nod and think for a second.

"Alright, we'll have to do that. Even with our other potential options, that would be the quickest one." I sigh before looking at the three. "I'll go and find a safe area and start bringing us there." They nod as I flash away, I appear in a tree and immediately see Team Guy standing in the middle of a massive crowd of ninja. A man stood in front of Guy with an orange mask that looked almost like a cinnamon roll. I place a seal on the tree and flash back to the others. "Alright let's go." I bring Yang first, then Khrow, and finally Kiara. Rain pelted down on us as we watched.

Yang: "There's definitely a lot of them."

"Alright let's go join in." They nod as we all jump down, standing protectively in front of the team.

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