Two Things

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Don't worry this isn't anything bad. 

1: I'd like to thank everyone who has reached out to me or said something to me. It means a lot, and I think I'm beginning to feel slightly better already. I'm gonna try and get back to updated either Sunday or Monday of next week.

2: I have a Twitch account, and I will be streaming every once and awhile. You can expect a friend of mine to be bugging me the whole time cause if he sees me streaming he'll probably hop on and bully me. 

There's my twitch, and I am going to be streaming today actually. I'm just waiting on streamlabs to update, and then I'll go live. Feel free to hop by, and say hello! Also, for the kindness and support you've all shown... well I won't give to much away, but I'm gonna be spoiling y'all heftily. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Till next time!

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