Chapter 20

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(Y/n) POV)

Everyone except Yang and me managed to fall asleep. Yang stood up randomly before sitting on my other side.

Yang: "It's not your fault you know." I don't respond as I look down at Kiara's sleeping face.

"I should've came to him the moment I felt his mark being burned."

Yang: "We both know that wouldn't have made a difference. With how burned he was none of us would've been able to heal him in time. Kiara's great with medical ninjutsu but I think only Tsunade could've healed him, even then it probably wouldn't matter." It takes me a while to respond.

"...I watched him die... when I got to him he was barely even alive... He told me to tell Kiara he was sorry................. I... I gained power when he died... but I never wanted this power..." I activate my mangekyou and look into Yang's eyes. "This eye is a curse... while I get stronger from having it... it causes blindness after using it for some time... The pain it takes for an Uchiha to unlock the mangekyou sharingan isn't worth the power gain... not to me at least..."

Yang: "I think I see your point... The loss of a friend/loved one isn't worth the gain of immense power... did I get that right?"

"Yeah... I always feared that it would happen... Yet I hoped that it never would... I guess it was only a matter of time before it happened..." Yang looked down at his hands.

Yang: "While I'm happy you're stronger now... I don't believe it's the way you wanted to get stronger..." I chuckle slightly.

"Ya'know, you and Naruto are good at cheering someone up even if you don't mean too. Let's wake the others... I don't want to be in this place any longer." Yang nods as I begin to lightly shake Kiara while he does the same to Neji. Kiara wakes and looks up at me. "We're gonna be leaving soon." She nods and sits up. We both stand as she goes over to Lee, I go over to Tenten while Yang and Neji debate over who's gonna wake up Guy. I shake Tenten gently who stirs but doesn't wake. I sigh and shake her a little harder this time. Her eyes open slowly and look into mine. "Come on, get up we're leaving." She nods slowly, still half asleep. We all then look at Guy...

Tenten: "I'm not waking him up." She sleepily states as we all look around at each other.

"If I remember right, it's Neji's turn." He glares at me as the others agree. He sighs and goes over to Guy and shakes him. Neji jumps back barely avoiding Guy leaping up and ready. "We're leaving uncle." He looks at me and nods. "Everyone, grab on to me." Kiara and Yang don't hesitate, neither does Tenten but the other three are a little skeptical. "I'm teleporting us back to Konoha." They nod before also grabbing on to me. I then flash to the gates of the leaf village, the night sky prominent above us. We all begin the walk toward the hokage mansion in silence. We make it to the door of auntie's office and I knock.

Tsunade: "Come in!" We all enter the room, still injured and some exhausted from the battle. She looks at us but notices one of us was missing. "Report." Guy stepped up first.

Guy: "We were tracking the rogue ninja but were ambushed by rain ninja as well as a man with an orange mask. The rogue ninja got away." She nods as I step up next.

"When we arrived I took on the masked man, it seems that almost every single attack goes through him. We didn't fight long as he used a jutsu to disperse us. I don't know what happened with the others but I felt one of my seals being burned... When I got to the place of my burned seal... Khrow was burnt to a crisp and the masked man was there as well... I managed to kill that man but..." Auntie looks down.

Tsunade: "You're all dismissed!" Everyone except for me left. I remove my mask and look at auntie. She stands before walking over to me. She hugs me as I fight not crying again. "Are you okay?"

"I will be... it's just... I never wanted the curse of the mangekyou... and now... I have it... I..." Her hugs tightens as Shizune stands off to the side. I don't say anything else as I just stand in her embrace. She eventually releases me and looks into my eye.

Tsunade: "Go get some rest... you need it." I nod before flashing home. I hop in the shower, washing the blood off of my body. As I exited and dressed myself I heard a tapping on the window in my bedroom. I walked over to it and saw a crow pecking at it. I opened the window and it jumped inside before turning into Itachi.

"Why are you here?" He looks at me, sharingan deactivated for the first time we've met like this.

Itachi: "You have it... don't you..."

"If you mean the mangekyou then yes..." He looks at me for a moment, silently analyzing me.

Itachi: "Show me." I look into his eyes for a second.


Itachi: "Me and Kakashi are the only two who know about the pain of the mangekyou. I can help you."

"I don't want help, and I don't want this cursed eye!" He looks at me before activating his own mangekyou. I think about whether or not he's going to use Tsukuyomi or not. 'He's trying to bait me into activating my mangekyou. "That won't work Itachi. I'd rather bear whatever effects Tsukuyomi will have on me than use this cursed eye!" He sighs and deactivates his mangekyou.

Itachi: "You won't be able to defend anybody without knowing the powers the mangekyou has. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. Just let me help you incase the situation becomes dire, and you are forced to use it." I look down hesitant before finally relenting. I look up with my mangekyou activated.

"I have an ability called "Yukianesa." It's basically the equivalent of forcing someone into absolute zero. In other words, it's like Amaterasu except it's an ice variant." He nods as I deactivate my mangekyou again.

Itachi: "Do you know about the other power of the mangekyou?"

"If you mean Susanoo I know very little about it. Though don't you need both eyes to activate it?"

Itachi: "Normally you would. But, with your other eye, it will still work."

"I'm guessing "she" told you about it?" He nods. "So I should be able to activate the Susanoo even with this eye?" He nods again.

Itachi: "The Susanoo is our ultimate defense I'm the only one besides you now who can use it. The Susanoo has multiple stages. But I'll let you learn those on your own. Even if you damage your vision, train your Susanoo when you can. It could mean the difference between life and death." I nod as Itachi disperses into crows, flying out the still open window. I close the window and lay down on the bed. I stare up at the ceiling as I watch the sun beginning to rise in the distance.

'Everything's getting harder and harder for me.' I sigh as I watch the rising sun. 'I really need a break.'

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