Chapter 34

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(Y/n) POV)

Sasuke turned, and began to run off.

'That'd probably a smart thing to do.'

Deidara: "What, you're just gonna run away?! You really think you can escape from my C4 Karura?!" C4 barreled through the forest as Sasuke and I ran.

'I might have to use Susanoo to protect myself, and if it comes down to it, Sasuke too.' The giant Deidara then expanded, before a rumbling could be heard. Instead of exploding, it crumbled to dust. 'Did it misfire?' I looked back at Deidara's crazed face. 'It didn't... interesting.' I watched the cloud of blue expand.

Deidara: "I win!" I quickly looked around, and spotted Sasuke looking back at Deidara as well. "Art is an explosion!" I coated myself in electricity, and watched my body begin being coated in smoke. "I've won! I've won! My art wo-" I just chuckled as I saw Sasuke behind Deidara with a chidori ready. The lightning blade pierced Deidara's chest as blood flew everywhere. The two spoke for a while until "Deidara" turned into clay, and the actual Deidara grabbed Sasuke's ankle from inside the dragon. "This time, it's over for real! Eat my C4!" Another large Deidara began to form around Sasuke as Deidara fell out of it.

'Shit... I can't get to him while he's in there.' A few seconds went by before Sasuke bursted out of the C4 with his chidori. 'He's almost out of chakra... I really should step in, but this is getting good.

Deidara: "Now what'll you do?! Hmm?" Sasuke looked towards Deidara before flying towards him. "Your lightning blades won't reach me at this distance! It's over." The two fell into the trees, and I lost sight of them. There wasn't an explosion, but both are still injured. I ran over to where I last saw them, and I was just in time to see Sasuke punch Deidara in the face. Hard. Deidara flew off, and crashed into the ground repeatedly. I also noticed Sasuke had reverted from his curse mark state. His breathing was heavy and ragged, and Deidara struggled to stand. Lightning coursed around Sasuke's body. "You... Don't tell me you figured it out?"

Sasuke: "Yeah... Quite a while back... When facing a sharingan, it's basic to hide and form your seal. No matter how fast you are, these eyes will read them. Every jutsu you've used has been with earth style seals. My chidori is the lightning style... Get it now?"

Deidara: "So you knew, after all... then that lightning blade you used was to..."

Sasuke: "The earth style is vulnerable to the lightning style. Your explosives won't detonate against my lightning style. Isn't that your weakness?"

Deidara: "You... I see... The lightning blade earlier was to run it through yourself... and you de-triggered the C4 that had entered your body."

Sasuke: "Yeah... Thanks to that, my body's in tatters. Although the correct name for my jutsu is chidori."

'Deidara picked the wrong opponent... Actually... if Sasuke hadn't learned the chidori this probable would've ended in Deidara's favor.'

Deidara: "When did you realize it?"

Sasuke: "After that blow from the land mine. Although, I've been analyzing it from the very beginning. Since I countered your first attack with chidori senbon. Among the bombs you created, some exploded and some didn't. That's when I formulated a hypothesis."

Deidara: "Hypothesis?"

Sasuke: "That time, the only one that exploded was the one you threw when you tried to evade my attack. All the explosives that I countered with my chidori senbon didn't detonate. However, it was possible that you purposely didn't trigger them because they fell close to your comrade."

Deidara: "In other words, you weren't sure if they didn't detonate because of your chidori or because I didn't make them explode. I see... So that's why you tested those two alternatives on the land mine?"

Sasuke: "Exactly. If they were self-triggered, your will was not involved. So I could test if my lightning style jutsu could disarm your earth style bombs."

'That's why you stuck your sword in the ground. Man... you really miss a lot when you aren't the one fighting.'

Sasuke: "That's right. That time I stuck my sword into the ground. I wasn't verifying the location of land mines. I shot through them with my sword tinged with chidori in order to confirm my theory."

Deidara: "But... how?! How could you pinpoint the position of the landmines?!"

Sasuke: "This eye distinguishes chakra by its color. Didn't I tell you that earlier?"

Deidara: "You could see the position of the land mines?! but what would you have done if the land mines exploded?!"

Sasuke: "It was one or the other. But I had another back-up plan. Although I didn't have a chance to demonstrate it." Sasuke then began to walk up to Deidara. Deidara tried to stand, but he had no chakra and his body was failing him. "Where is Itachi?" Deidara responded by sending to clay snakes at Sasuke that wrap around his ankles. The lightning in his body was sent through the clay snakes, and into Deidara who quickly cut them off. Sasuke then dropped to his knees, breathing heavily again.

Deidara: "You may try to look good, but you're barely managing too. It seems your chakra got drastically low. I win. I still have detonation clay to... Huh?!" Sasuke looked calm still which surprised Deidara. "Under these conditions, shouldn't you be panicking a little? This time, my art will kill you for sure!" Calm. Deidara then began to chuckle before that quickly turned to rage. "That's what pisses me off about you. Both of you brothers! Don't pretend to be so cool!" Calm. "Those eyes! That overconfident eye irritates me! As if it denies my art! It's unforgivable! Those eyes which show absolutely no respect for my art. Those eyes that ignore my art... are unforgivable!"

Sasuke: "I couldn't care less about such a thing. Never mind that. Tell me where Itachi is." Sasuke deactivated his sharingan.

Deidara: "So you've drawn back your sharingan... You really take me lightly!" Deidara ripped his shirt off, revealing a mouth on his chest.

'Why do you need so many mouths?' The chest mouth was stitched shut, but his left hand mouth was cutting the stitches. Deidara reached into his lay pouch, and put a handful of clay into the chest mouth. His body began to crack as I activated my mangekyou. 'I'll have to step in.'

Deidara: "This is my ultimate art! Now I will detonate myself. With death, I will become art. This never-before-seen explosion will leave a never-before-seen scar on this land. And! My art will win never-before-seen admiration!" His body began to turn transparent. "In the midst of my admiration, you will definitely die!" Sasuke tried, and failed to stand. "An explosion that will cover a ten-kilometer radius. You won't be able to get away! Now, tremble with fear! be in awe! Despair! Scream! My art is..." The black tendrils that had coursed throughout his body returned to his chest mouth before he began to glow. "AN EXPLOSION!" As he began to explode, I quickly flashed next to Sasuke and formed my Susanoo. Sasuke's eyes darted up to me as the bright light of the explosion covered us.

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