Important Note

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Hello all you lovely people! I am going to be writing an ORIGINAL STORY, YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!! Anyway, my original story, "The Accursed One." Has a note that if you are interested in my work and want to see what I can do with my own world to build off of, I'd recommended giving that a read. As I say in that note, this original story is going to be a mix of my own ideas and any ideas or art you all offer for me to use. I won't go into full detail because everything is explained on my original. However, I'll give you a short run down. My original story is going to be a sort of help me help you situation. I give you the best story I can give and you give me support, assuming you like the story. I'm a high school student and there's only so much I can do by myself. I'm willing to chat here on Wattpad if you message me or if you please, we can set up something to chat on Discord. I'm not opposed to any ideas as long as they can keep the same sort of... what's the word... fuck it, I'd prefer if the ideas would stay on the road of my ideas per say. Like if it's a medieval setting I won't take the idea of some type of intergalactic space laser canon that will destroy the world! That's not to say I won't bend that idea to fit the setting but that is a sort of instant red flag that the idea won't work and I'll save it to see if I can do anything with it. Now if you send me a request, please don't be rude or try to demand anything. Of course you could be rude and try to demand me to do something. But I'll give you the good old middle finger and will most likely never look for your suggestions again.

With all that said that is the link to my discord. And I hope to see you all there. Till next time!

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