Chapter 32

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(Y/n) POV)

'It's so bright.' My eyes fluttered open as I looked at the hospital room around me. "Damnit... I'm turning into dad." I heard an aggravated sigh from my left, and I looked over to see dad with his face in his book.

Dad: "That's really how you all see me now." I chuckled as I sat up.

"How's Tenten?"

Dad: "She's fine now. She woke up a week before you did."

"That's good... Wait... did you say a week?!" He laughs at my reaction.

Dad: "Yeah, we only just got back a little bit ago." I sighed as I stood up from the bed, my legs wobbling for a moment. The sun was setting with a burning red flame.

'That's odd.'

(3rd POV)

Sasuke walked in a dark room filled with containers. He stopped at a lone one at the end of the room. 

???: "I knew it was you... The fact you're here must mean you killed Orochimaru.

Sasuke: "Yeah. But never mind that. Let's get you out of here." In a second, Sasuke cut the container open that began spewed out water. A person then came out of said water.

???: "Free at last. Thank you, Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Suigetsu, you're the first. Come with me."

Suigetsu: "Me, first? There are others then?"

Sasuke: "Two others. I'm taking Jugo from the northern hideout and Karin from the southern hideout."

Suigetsu: "Are you sure about that?"

Sasuke: "What is it?"

Suigetsu: "It's nothing... Just that I don't like them. I can't get along with them... At least, that's what I think. Sure, you picked me, but I wonder about choosing those two, Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Enough with the rambling. Put on your clothes. We're going." Suigetsu laughs.

Suigetsu: "Ordering me around like a big shot, eh?" Suigetsu then becomes water before appearing next to Sasuke. "Let me clarify the relationship between you and me... alright?" He pointed a finger gun to Sasuke's head. "Sorry, but you chose to rescue me. I never said anything about following you. Just because you defeated Orochimaru doesn't make you better than me. Everyone was after him. You were Orochimaru's pet, so you weren't imprisoned and you stayed by his side. You had more chances to kill him than the rest of us." Que the awkward stare down. "Gotcha... Just kidding." He steps back from Sasuke who is unfased. "But I let you go just now, so that makes us even. I'm free at last, so I'm going to do as I please."

Sasuke: "I see. That's unfortunate."

(Little timeskip)

We're outside now!

Suigetsu: "By the way... It was your team, wasn't it?" A wild Suigetsu appeared! "The team that brought down my great predecessor, Zabuza Momochi." He was swimming in a water lake in the middle of the pathway. "Whatever happened to his blade... the Executioner's Blade? Let's do this. If you tell me where the blade is, and I take possession of it, then I'll be willing to help you."

Sasuke: "I doubt you could take that sword from who wields it. Put some clothes on." Sasuke takes out a throwing knife from his sleeve and chucks it into a tree.

(Y/n) POV)

I felt a pinging in my head and flashed to where my knife had been thrown. In front of me was Sasuke and a water boy.

"I don't remember giving you one of my knives."

Sasuke: "I took one."

"Should I even bother asking how?"

Sasuke: "No."

"Alright then, why did you call me?" He then points to water boy.

Sasuke: "He wants Zabuza's sword."

"You mean my sword?" He nods.

Water Boy: "You have the Executioner's Blade?" I hold out my right hand and said blade appears in my hand. "I'll fight you for it!"

"Oh... Wait, you're serious." I planted the sword in the ground and motioned him to come at me. "Well... I've been out for a while, might as well work of the rust." I throw the sword to him and he catches it. "If you want the blade you might as well fight with it. I'll just take it off your corpse again anyway." He rushes forward, his arm bulging in size as I remain unarmed. He swings as I just stick my hand out. I catch the blade in my hand as water boy looks on shocked. "Good enough for me. Take it, I don't really use it much anymore anyway." I release the blade from my grasp and begin walking in the opposite direction.

Water Boy: "Really?!"

"Yeah, I'm bored of you already. Go have fun with Sasuke." I then waved as I flashed back to the entrance of Konoha. Where an angry Hokage was staring at me. "Oh, hello there." Then I realize that fists really do hurt. I felt my leg being pulled as I was picked from the ground. "You didn't have to hit me so hard." She just glares before tossing me all the way to my front door. "Thank you!" I stood from the ground before immediately hitting the ground again. "Ow." 

Tenten: "Sorry!"

"This happens way to much to just be a coincidence anymore." Tenten nervously chuckles as we both stand.

Tenten: "This time it's not actually my fault! You just appeared in front of me."

"I was also generously thrown here by our dear Hokage." She stares at me for a second before she busts out laughing. I then feel an immediate sense of danger, but I didn't have time to do anything before I was seeing a birds eye view of Konoha. "I SWEAR YOU'RE TRYING TO PUT ME BACK INTO THE HOSPITAL!" I flash behind her and sigh. "This is bullshit auntie." Tsunade sighs before she begins dragging me behind her. "Ok then."

(Short timeskip)

As I was dragged into the Hokage's office. Naruto, Sakura, and Uncle Jiraiya were in the room already.

"Ok so who do I have to protect these idiots from this time?" Sarcasm laced my tone.

Tsunade: "Sasuke Uchiha killed Orochimaru." I took a step back and double taked.

"He what?" 'I guess that'd explain why he was with some random person. Maybe he's getting a group together to track Itachi.'

Naruto: "What's the matter with him? Orochimaru is dead, so why isn't he returning to the village?"

Jiraiya: "Sasuke is possessed by the desire for revenge. He intends to approach the Akatsuki in order to kill his older brother Itachi."

Naruto: "That guy! Is he still... Damnit!"

"Of course he is."

Naruto: "Well, let's get going. Operation "Track Akatsuki" is still ongoing, right?"

Tsunade: "Yeah."

"Naruto... are you planning to hunt down Itachi, and capture him before Sasuke can get to him?"

Naruto: "Yeah! If we do that, we'd have to run into Sasuke eventually!"

'If only it were that easy.'

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