The Return

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(3rd POV) (1 year after leaving)

(Y/n) breathed heavily as the reanimated hokages stood across from him. Tobirama sent a water dragon his way. (Y/n) responds by rolling out of the way but was kicked in the chest by Hashirama. As he rolled, the Executioner Blade left his hands and pierced the soil, allowing (Y/n) to land on the hilt, sharingan blazing in the brothers direction.

Tobirama: "You're sloppy."

Hashirama: "He is getting better though." Tobirama scoffed, instantly appearing in front of (Y/n) who jumps back to avoid an uppercut. He looks down at his chest, seeing a seal on his shirt. He curses himself as he dodges a wood dragon, courtesy of Hashirama, discarding his sealed shirt in the process.

(Y/n): 'Almost out of chakra.' (Y/n) dashes towards Hashirama, swinging down the Executioner Blade, only for it to get knocked out of his hands by the other brother. The Second Hokage sends (Y/n) to the ground with a kick to the chest, he follows up by jumping  and stabbing his katana in the soil right next to (Y/n)'s face. "I yield." Tobirama removes the sword from the ground and helps (Y/n) stand.

Hashirama: "You're much better than before." Hashirama praised, giving (Y/n) a thumbs up.

(Y/n): "How can you say that when all i did was get my ass beat?"

Tobirama: "When we first started, you could barely  dodge our attacks. Now you can consistently dodge most of them. You've also mastered a lot of my water style ninjutsu. You've grown more than you give yourself credit for."

Hashirama: "See! You aren't as stone faced as you believe you are!" He laughed, wrapping an arm around his brother's shoulder.

Tobirama: "Let. go. of. me." And depression.

Hashirama: "So cold." Hashirama sulked while (Y/n) chuckled at the scene.

(Y/n): "I'd never be able to guess that you two were brothers with how different you are."

(The next day)

(Y/n): "There's something I need to show the both of you." The three stood in the clearing where they had been training, although this time instead of starting immediately the First and Second Hokage were about to be blown away. "A secret only known to my father and Kakashi, I didn't even show this to gramps." (Y/n) grabs the eyepatch covering his right eye, removing it he keeps the eye closed. He opens the eye causing the brothers to gasp.

Hashirama: "The...."

(Timeskip to 2 years after leaving)

(Y/n) POV)

"Man auntie's gonna kill me!" Hashirama laughs at my misfortune.

Tobirama: "You lost track of time didn't you?" I groaned as I prepared to release the Edo-tensei. "I sent a letter to whatever hokage is in charge now telling them you probably would lose track of time."

"You're a lifesaver! Anyway, thank you both for training me." Hashirama smiles.

Hashirama: "I look forward to being able to hear the stories of you from people in the afterlife!"

Tobirama: "Goodbye brat." I chuckle at the short response from the Second Hokage.

"Edo-tensei: Release." The two Hokage begin to glow and crumble. "Farewell senseis, till next time." They turn to ash, but unlike every time before that, no corpse remained. "Time to face auntie's wrath." I sigh but take off towards the village, arriving a safe distance from the gates in a few minutes. "Been gone two years now, I wonder if anything has changed." I walk up to the gates, two familiar faces were passed out. "Izumo! Kotetsu!" Both Chunin jump up, staring at me in shock.

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