Chapter 37

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(Y/n) POV)

'Where... am I?' Looking around my surroundings, I was standing in the middle of Konoha... but something felt different.

Naruto: "Can't catch me!" I looked in the direction of a familiar voice, but the Naruto I knew... was now a kid again. He ran directly towards me with two Chunin close behind.

'Is he not gonna stop?' He, in fact, did not stop. He ran until... he phased... through me... 'What? What is this?' The Chunin ran through me next, and I could do nothing but watch the three run off through the village. Eventually getting over that shock, I began walking around the village. Nobody took notice of me. Nobody could hear me. Nobody could see me. I was invisible to them. 'I wonder... is this before or after...' I turned for the Uchiha Compound, only one way to see. 


'So it hasn't happened yet.' I looked around the busy compound. Kids were running around, and families were reuniting after returning from a mission. Everything seemed relatively okay... but I knew what would soon happen. 'I wonder if Sasuke and Itachi are here...' The three of us had our own little hide away. When Itachi had time, which was very rare, he would train with us. When he didn't have the time, Sasuke and I would train together alone. The hide away was about a mile behind the compound, hidden amongst the trees.

Itachi: "Forgive me Sasuke. Maybe next time." My chest tightened at the words.

Itachi: "Forgive me Sasuke. There won't be a next time."

Sasuke pouted at his words before trying to do something reckless to prove himself to his brother.

Itachi: "Foolish brother. If you wish to kill me, then blame me. Hate me."

Young Me: "C'mon second best. Itachi can't always be training you."

Itachi: "And live on in shame. Run and run... Cling desperately to life." I grabbed onto my head as it began to pound.

Sasuke: "But he promised he would train with me!"

Itachi: "Then, one day, come before me with the same eyes I bear now!" I grunted in pain as I watched the three begin to walk off while laughing together. However, I took notice of Itachi glancing in my direction.

'What sick delusion is this?!'

Hiori: "No matter what happens... I want you to always look after my son..."

Itachi: "I will." I heard crying from my right, and looked over to see my mother heavily bloodied and tears poured from her eyes.

Hiori: "I'm leaving my son alone... again... Gods I'm such a failure... Why must everyone I love die? Why must I be forced to abandon everything I love?!" I dragged my feet against the dirt as I slowly stumbled towards my dying mother.

'Stop making me feel bad for you!'

Hiori: "(Y/n)... I know you can hear me... maybe not now, but in the future... I know you'll hear this message. My mangekyou allows me to project my spirit to people I care for... Dead or alive I will always be there for the ones I love. So... I know one way or another... you'll hear this message... I want you to know that your mother loves you... and always will... Whether you hate me and want nothing to do with me... or don't even believe I exist... I will always be there for you... and I will always love you... Forgive me (Y/n)... For I have failed you..." I watched as she leaned back against a tree... the life left her eyes... and I could only stand there... frozen... I slowly brought my hand up, and began reaching for my mother... My hand gently pushed the hair out of her face... Wait... I can touch her?

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