Chapter 13

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(Y/n) POV)

I sighed as I sat in a tree, a book in my hand called, 'Ice Born.' (foreshadowing? Maayyyybeeeee) It had been four days since I got news of a new mission. Naruto told me about someone who attacked him with drawings and I almost slapped him.

'Was I supposed to do something today?' I thought for a moment as I closed the book. "Oh fuck I have a new teammate and captain to meet!" I instantly jumped from the tree and flashed to Naruto only to get FUCKING ROCKED by Sakura's fist. I crashed into a wall before hitting the ground. I groaned as I laid on the ground. "Why?"

Sakura: "Sorry, you scared me!" She rushes over to me and begins healing me. Once she's finished I stand and look around only seeing her and Naruto.

"Where's our other teammates?" They glare at me.

S/N: "Maybe if you weren't late, you would've met them!" I raise my hands in surrender and sigh.

Sakura: "Wait, why are you in your Jonin attire?"

"I'm joining you on this mission as a Jonin, not an ANBU." They look at me as I give them a close eyed smile. "See you in an hour!" I immediately flash away and go back to my tree and begin reading my book.


I teleported to the entrance of konoha and jumped on top of one of the gates. Soon Sakura, Naruto and two others arrived. A weird looking jonin and a discount Sasuke.

Weirdo: "Where's our last member?" I jump down in front of him as he just stares at me before turning around. "Okay... Team Kakashi, will now set out."

Naruto: "Hey, you're coming with us too (Y/n)?"

"Yeah." Naruto then goes back to glaring at discount Sasuke.

Discount Sasuke: "What is it?" He then gives a fake smile. "Please don't stare at me like that. I'll pound you."

Naruto: "Hey! You tick me off with everything you say!"

Discount Sasuke: "I don't really mean it."

Naruto: "You liar!" I slow down and whisper to Sakura.

"Ok so who's the discount Sasuke and why does Naruto not like him?"

Sakura: "His name's Sai and for the second part... that's a long story."

Sai: "I'm just trying to portray myself like that kind of character."

"So you're faking it."

Naruto: "Then you do mean it! You won't do at all!" Everyone stops as Sai looks back at Naruto. "You really tick me off!"

Weirdo: "Hey! Hey! Don't act like that in front of your captain, Naruto. I'm sure Kakashi taught you that trust and teamwork are most important to a team. You are on the same team as the great Kakashi. What's your problem?"

Naruto: "He's not a member of Team Kakashi! The other member of our team is Sasuke! This guy was just chosen to cover the loss of Sasuke. I don't acknowledge him as a team member!"

Sai: "Well... That's actually easier for me. He betrayed the Leaf and ran off to serve Orochimaru. I don't want to be lumped together with a cockroach along the same lines..." I feel my eye twitch as I clench my fist. "as Orochimaru." Naruto goes to step forward but is stopped by Sakura.

Sakura: "Teamwork is indeed important. Sai... Naruto still doesn't know you very well. So he may have been out of line. I'm sorry. Please forgive Naruto."

Naruto: "Sakura..."

Sai: "It's okay. It doesn't bother me."

Sakura: "Really? Thank goodness." She smiles before absolutely ROCKING that bastard with a hard punch. "You don't have to...forgive me."

Sai: "You tricked me good with your fake smile earlier."

Sakura: "And here you don't even know anything about Sasuke. Don't you ever speak ill about him!"

"For the record." They all look to me as I stare at Sai sadistically. "I have no issue if it was my father you were speaking ill about... but the moment you talk bad about my brother." I appear infront of him with my katana at his neck. "I'll send you to yours." I whisper in his ear causing him to stiffen. I stand and give him a fake smile of my own. "Got it?"

Sai: "Fine... I won't say anything like that in front of you again. So that's another way of using a fake smile, huh? I'll remember that."

Naruto: "How can you grin like that after getting punched?!"

Sai: "A smile is the best way to get through a tough situation. Even if it's a fake smile." He stands. "Surprisingly enough, everyone gets fooled. That's what it said in the book. It seems it doesn't really work if I do it, though."

Naruto: "You bastard." I look over seeing our captian making hand seals.

Weirdo: "Four-Pillar Prison Jutsu!" I jump back as a wooden cage appears behind the weirdo. "I'll really toss you guys into this cell if you keep fighting. We don't have much time until we get to the Tenchi Bridge. That being said... we've still got enough time to take a little detour."

"Wood style." I mumble as a picture of gramp's smiling face appears in my mind as he fell to the ground after using the reaper death seal.

Weirdo: "As your peacemaker, I offer you this suggestion. In order to improve you rapport, I can toss you guys into this cell for a full day, or we can stay at a hot spring inn for a night. Which would you prefer? You guys probably don't really know me all that well. I prefer the kind and gentle approach, " His face darkens and I think it's meant to be scary. But nothing can compare to an angry Tobirama. "but I'm not against controlling you either."


So we were now at a hot spring... Well the other four were, I decided to go for a walk. I found a small room full of books and walked inside. Oddly enough, no one was inside.

"Hello?" Silence. "That's weird." I walk around and look at various books they had inside.

Itachi: "So you did find this place." I turn immediately going attempting to stab him with a kunai. But Itachi is Itachi so he caught it in between his fingers. "Why are you here?"

"I feel like I should be asking you that."

Itachi: "I was just looking for a book. This is my own personal library of sorts."

"So that's why this place is empty." I pull my kunai back and Itachi relaxes, his sharingan piercing into my eye. "Sooooooooo..." 

Itachi: "..." We continue just staring at each other for about five minutes.


Itachi: "..."


Itachi: "..."

"Are we having a staring contest?"

Itachi: "..." I stare into Itachi's eyes for another minute until I finally blink. "I win." I look down as I sigh in sadness.

"So why... are you...?" I look up seeing Itachi was now gone. "Okay what the fuck Itachi? Since when did you become Batman?" I sigh again and walk out the door of Itachi's library, not before grabbing a few random books of course. "I should get back to the others.

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