Chapter 44

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(I'm not writing Konohamaru's fight with the Naraka path but I will leave a link to the fight. It's nothing against Konohamaru or anything. I just don't want to do it.)

(3rd POV)

Pain slowly drifted downwards, landing behind Tsuande.

Anbu: "Behind you!" However, another person landed in between Pain and Tsunade. Standing there silenty as everyone behind him was on alert. Tsunade had also looked back to see the two.

Anbu: "Six piercings in the nose, seven in the ear... It's him."

Tsunade: "You're..."

Pain: "It's been a long time, Lady Tsunade. You are the last remaining of the Legendary Sannin. I wish to take a moment to speak with you." (Y/n), who had been staring ahead silently, glared towards Pain as he clenched his fists.

Tsunade: "You are that boy... from long ago."

Pain: "It seems you remember me."

Anbu: "You know him?"

Tsunade: "A little..."

Anbu: "Who is he?"

Pain: "A god who restores order."

Anbu: "It seems he's not in his right mind."

Pain: "Naruto Uzumaki... Where is the Nine Tails?"

Tsunade: "Who knows?"

Pain: "The hunt for the Jinchuriki is about over. The Tailed Beasts are no longer equalizers in maintaining the power balance between the ninja villages. It's meaningless to protect the Nine Tails now."

Tsunade: "So your target is Naruto, after all?"

Pain: "The war will begin very soon. Seeds of war exist everywhere, ready to explode. And we shall control those wars. If you cooperate with us, we would not be averse to helping you. From the state of this village... You should know what we are capable of."

Tsunade: "Don't underestimate the Five Kages!" Tell that to Madara. "You terrorists seek to destroy the peace our predecessors strived to bring and maintain! Your words fall on deaf ears!"

Pain: "Such arrogance!" A wave of chakra releases as the ANBU have to protect themselves from the pressure. "Your peace has brought violence upon us."

Tsunade: "I will admit that some of the past actions of the Hidden Leaf were not just. But your actions here are unforgivable!"

Pain: "Be careful of what you say. This is your final warning from a god. Tell me where Naruto is." Tsunade doesn't answer. "Speak!"

Tsunade: "We will pour every ounce of power we have into bringing you down! That is all I have to say! One other thing... You have made a huge error! What you desire, you shall never get!"

Pain: "If you think Konoha has what it takes to protect Naruto, then..."

Tsunade: "Wrong! Naruto... is strong." (Y/n) smirks as he lets the rage he feels disperse. He can sense a growing irritation in Pain as he looks at him. Now is not the time to give in to anger. Now is the time to stand their ground against Pain until the end.

Pain: "It seems Naruto is not here... Mount Myoboku." (Y/n)'s eyes widen as the edge they had fell.

Tsunade: "What?!"

Pain: "Mount Myoboku... That is the hidden village of the toads. Well then, lingering here is useless."

Anbu: "How do you know?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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