Chapter 31

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(Y/n) POV)

Team Yamato left to aid Team Kakashi who had apparently went after what was thought to be one of Orochimaru's hideouts. 

'I guess they can't rely on me forever.' I look out on the village below from the top of Hashirama's head. I quickly turned, catching a wrapped blade in my hands. "Oh... it's only you."

Kisame: "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I thought I'd actually have to try. Such a shame it's you I have to fight." Kisame backs off, throwing Samehada over his shoulder.

Kisame: "Tch! I didn't come here to fight. I came here with an offering." I stood straight, not really caring. "Join the Akatsuki."

"Now why do you think I'd do that?"

Kisame: "This village has hidden so much from you. Your mother hid so much from you, and she was a part of this village. What do you have here that would be worth staying for?" I began chuckling.

"You people don't seem to be very smart. My biological family may be full of liars, and this village may have hid a lot of information about my family from me. The thing is though. I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. About. Any. Of. That. I stay in this village for my friends and family. Naruto is my brother. Why would I join an organization that wants to kill him? Did any of you ever stop to think how stupid it is to assume I'd ever betray my brother! Let me let you in on a little secret. You don't have anything that can get me to join you."

Kisame: "What about that one girl? Tenten, I belive her name is. You two seem pretty close." I tilt my head slightly.

"You wouldn't be able to get close to her even if I wasn't there. Not a single member of the Akatsuki is stronger than Uncle Guy. So I wouldn't recommend trying that." He then holds out a piece of paper.

Kisame: "I wouldn't be so sure." It was a photo of a heavily beaten and bloody Tenten chained up to the wall. I let out a breath as I appeared in front of Kisame with my blade at his neck.

"I'll give you one chance to tell me where she is." Kisame smirks.

Kisame: "Follow me and she might live." I activate my mangekyou and lean in close to his face.

"Tell. Me." His eyes widen as a bead of sweat runs down his forehead. He clicks his tongue.

Kisame: "Fine..." He pulls out a sheet of paper from who knows where and writes down the coordinates on it. I instantly burst off in that direction. Arriving near the border of the Land of Fire in under a minute. A cave was in front of me as I began walking inside. Mangekyou still active, I scan around till a light shines down on the beaten girl. They burned her mark off so I flickered next to her. She was unconscious, no doubt from the blood loss. I heard multiple footsteps behind me as I looked over my shoulder. I saw Itachi, Kisame, a man with a fuckton of piercing and orange hair as well as an all to familiar eye, a woman with purple hair and a paper flower in her hair, a man with an orange mask, Deidara, A human fly trap.

Piercings: "So you came." I turned around fully and watched Itachi's eyes also turn into there Mangekyou.

"So is this all of your members?"

Piercings: "It's hard to find competent members."

"Obviously you haven't been doing very well. I mean Orochimaru betrayed you all. Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori are all dead. So you must not be that good at picking them."

Piercings: "Join us (Y/n)."


Piercings: "I wasn't asking."

"You do know that even with all of you here you can't win, right? I could just easily leave here."

Piercings: "I'm well aware of how fast you are Flash Dragon."

"Ok hold up with that name. First off, if you're gonna call me anything call me either my name or nothing else. That "nickname" is stupid as fuck! Anyway, if you know how fast I am why are you so confident?"

Piercings: "Because you won't leave her behind."

"Mother fucker I can bring her with me without any difficulty at all. On a side note though, HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE?!" I point at orange masked bitch angrily. He didn't answer.

Piercings: "Then how about a deal?"


Piercings: "You fight a member of my choosing and if you win. You and the girl can leave. If you lose, you both die."

"If it isn't you, Itachi, or masked bitch over there you might as well let me leave."

Piercings: "Very well then. Itachi." Itachi nods as the others disappear and he rushes me. I swiftly draw my blade and clash with one of his kunai.

'Of course it had to be Itachi.' I sighed as a shadow clone bursts from the ground. A hard kick nailing Itachi's abdomen. He rolls back before standing across from me. I manifest my Susanoo's ribcage around me as Itachi does the same. I feel a pain in my eye as I also manifest one skeletal arm on the right side. In a quick strike, the fist slams into Itachi's ribcage shield. A very. very tiny crack appears as Itacih's eyes widen for a split second. I wince in pain as Itachi hops back on the offensive. Both skeletal arms of his Susanoo form, and he sends punch after punch into the ribcage of my Susanoo. Cracks begin to form before spreading around the entirety of the ribs. I dispel the Susanoo, and use a substitution to dodge Itachi's attack. He then dispels his Susanoo, and then turns to look at me. I try to avert my eyes, but everything around me had already gone red. "Damnit."

Itachi: "You're Susanoo isn't as developed as mine."

"I can tell!"

Itachi: "Calm yourself (Y/n). You're letting your anger get the better of you."

"I really want to punch you right now. So don't try and go all sensei mode on me." In an instant I'm bound to a cross. "Oh for fucks sake." Multiple Itachi's appear around me.

Itachi: "I'm sorry for this."

"I'm not like dad. 72 hours is nothing to me." I would come to instantly regret those words as I was continuously stabbed over, and over again.


As we left the Tsukuyomi I almost collapesed.

Itachi: "Didn't you say 72 hours was nothing to you." 

"I... may have... miscalculated..." I chuckle to myself before I began to fall forwards. I smirked as Itachi began to move towards me. The shadow clone I had used as a diversion to give me a second to breathe after that torture bursted into clouds as I appeared in front of Itachi, heavily breathing and barely standing. "Yukianesa." Itachi freezes as I stumble over to Tenten and break the chains. I then grab her and flash away to the Leaf Hospital. I then collapsed with her. I did grab a rock and chuck it at the door to the hospital however. A woman walked out before gasping at the sight of us. She rushes over after calling for someone. I felt someone picking me up and placing me on a bed. Everything was hazy, and I was struggling to hear. It didn't take much longer for me to completely lose consciousness. 


Hello everyone! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. The thing is I'm struggling to come up with more original content for (Y/n) so I'm not just blitzing every enemy Naruto and the gang has to fight. Cause where we're at currently Guren wouldn't stand a chance against (Y/n). Anyway, I'm probably gonna put this fanfic back a bit and not have it as my top priority. I don't feel like I'm putting out chapters that are what I'm 100% capable of. So I'm still going to be releasing chapters for this, I'm just going to place it a bit further back on the burner. I hope you all understand, and till next time!

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