Chapter 12

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(Y/n) POV)

I leant against a tree as Tenten sat on the ground.

Tenten: "They sure are taking awhile." I stare at her ignoring the awaking Kotetsu. "What?"

"We teleported here."

Tenten: "Oh... right..." She nervously laughs.

Kotetsu: "What is that?!" We both look over seeing a flailing figure coming our way.

Guy: "Move, move, move! Last spurt! Goal!" Guy skids to a stop and stands, headbutting dad in the process. "First place!"

"Third place!" He looks over at me and Tenten as Lee comes in.

Lee: "Sadly, second place!"

"Fourth place!"

Lee: "Eh?!" He looks over as Tenten waves. "How?!" I just smirk while turning my back to him.

Guy: "Lee, you need to train harder."

Lee: "Yes! I will try to be first place next time."

"Lee my over the top, eccentric rival. Can you move faster than the speed of light?"

Lee: "Not yet but I will soon!" I go to respond but I stop myself.

"Ok." The only response I can give as I'm still confused by this man's optimism.

Guy: "But, there is regrettable news."

Lee: "Wh-What is it?"

Guy: "Lee, you are not fourth place." Guy spins with dad on his back still. "You are... fifth place!" Dad's fingers point at Lee."

Lee: "Huh?!"

Guy: "fourth place is Kakashi, whom I am carrying!" He turns dad to face us but he looks half dead. "Kakashi, you are too lucky! You don't need to thank me." Lee turns and begins writing in a notebook with tears running down his face.

Lee: "I feel like I learned another important lesson from you!" I finally notice the others as Neji speaks.

Neji: "As usual, I can't keep up with their craziness."

"Didn't you have to run after them?"

Neji: "Ridiculous!"

Guy: "Okay, everyone's here, eh?! Then let's go report to Lady Tsunade right away."

Sakura: "Um, Guy-sensei..."

Guy: "What is it?"

Sakura: "Kakashi-sensei is..." He looks back noticing dad half dead.

Guy: "Huh? Oh! Guess it's the hospital before reporting." Dad goes to speak but it just comes out incoherent. A hawk screeching overhead catches everyone's attention.

"Looks like I'm being summoned. I'll see you all soon." I wave before flashing into the Hokage office. "You called?" I kneel next to Yang, Kiara and Khrow.

Tsunade: "Yes, I need you four to provide back up for an ANBU team near Kirigakure!"

"Do you have any coordinates or reference point?"

Tsunade: "There'll be a massive stone statue in the shape of a sword. You'll find them there, the statue itself is south-southwest from Kiri itself."

"Understood." We stand and flicker to the entrance of the village. "I can make it to the a safe area away from the statue and then teleport us all there. Or we can run there. It's up to you."

Y/K/K: "First choice, please." I chuckle before taking a deep breath.

"I'll be back in about 15-20 minutes." I wave before taking off toward the Land of Water.

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