Chapter 30

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(Y/n) POV)

I dodge multiple attacks from Akari as she continues to attack and attack. I felt another presence rush my way as I flashed to a nearby tree. Yang stood there smirking as Akari smiled.

"Yang... are you by chance helping her?" Yang rushed me as I caught his blade.

Yang: "What if I am?" I smirk as I activate my sharingan.

"Then I might actually need this." I then duck a punch that nailed Yang in the face. "You're here too Kiara?"

Kiara: "S-Sorry Yang!" Yang groaned from his spot on the floor.

Akari: "You never said I couldn't have help (Y/n)!"

"So you got my teammates to help you. Sadly for you there's only two people in this village who can keep up with me. These two are not those two." I felt a kick slam into my back as I got sent flying into a tree.

Guy/Lee: "That's why WE ARE HERE!"

"Wrong anime!" I chuckled to myself as I stood on the tree. "Though it's funny. I thought you two were on a mission."

Lee: "We were! We finished early!" I sigh as I ducked under his kick and flashed away.

"This isn't good for me. Well Akari is the only one who can't touch me. That does make this easier." I spoke allowed as I dodged and dodged Lee's, Guy's, Yang's and Kiara's attacks. Oddly enough, Akari stayed back and analyzed. She didn't seem like the type to do that. It took a lot of work to dodge them all, but I wouldn't let any of them hit me if I could help it. That was until they randomly stopped attacking and I felt a hand on my back. "Huh?" I looked over my shoulder seeing Akari behind me.

Akari: "Hi!" I smiled slightly as I waved before dispersing into a cloud. Her face was priceless.

"Well done Akari! I'll consider that a pass!"

Akari: "Huh? I only touched a shadow clone though?"

"The result would've been the same if it were me or a shadow clone. I was overwhelmed. You used that to your advantage. Congrats Akari." I pat her head as she smiled in excitement. Then I heard the sound of a transformation ending. I slowly turned seeing four shadow clones of Akari behind me. "Wait... Oh my god." I stared at the clones in astonishment. "How did I not notice that?" Akari giggled to herself as I chuckled. "Good job kid. You actually outsmarted me. Damn." I ruffled her hair as I began walking away. "You're training will begin soon. Take your time to rest. I know that wasn't easy for you to do." Akari left soon after in a burst of clouds. "She's clever. That's good."


I stood over the unconscious Akari. I gently picker her up in my arms and flashed to the Hyuga compound. I had learned where she lived after having a clone follow her home when she left yesterday. I gently knocked on the door to her home and a woman walked out.

Tsuki: "Oh, hey (Y/n)." I gave her a small smile. I met her with my clone yesterday and let her know about me becoming Akari's teacher. She takes Akari from me and waves. "See you later!" I waved back before flashing on top of the Hokage mansion.

'I haven't seen Naruto in a while. I know he's training with Gamakichi and Gamatatsu. I don't want to bother him. Still though... I hope he's doing okay.' I looked down at the floor sadly. 'I hope everyone's doing okay.' I laid down and looked up at the clouds. 'I miss everyone. I know they're busy with missions and all... Man I sound clingy.' I sigh as I close my eyes. 'I know that they can't rely on me, but I wished they'd call for me to help.' I open my eyes before flashing to an empty training ground. "Edo Tensei." A grave rises from the ground as Hiori walks out from it.

Hiori: "H-Huh?" She looks at me as I stare at her. Her eyes widen as she sees me. "(Y-Y/n)?!" She goes to step towards me but stops.

"Talk." She looked confused. "The journal." She still looks confused. "You made Itachi give me a journal saying you wanted to talk to me. To give you a second chance." She realizes what I mean as she looks down.

Hiori: "Oh... I didn't think you'd listen. You hate me." I let out an annoyed breath as she seems to tear up.

"I don't hate you." She looks up surprised. "I don't know why. It's the same with father. No matter what you two did to me. I can't bring myself to hate you. The only reason I'm doing this is because I've already gone through enough pain. I... need someone there for me... I'm probably going to regret this... but I want you to explain to me why you never showed up. To me there's nothing more important than your family... So why... why... why... WHY?!"

Hiori: "When Shisui died I was in a really dark place. When Orochimaru took you away I thought you had died. I thought he had killed you... So when Itachi told me he found you I didn't believe him. I couldn't believe him."

"So?" She gulped as my stare hardened.

Hiori: "I didn't want to meet you and get hurt again. I didn't want it to be a lie. I didn't want you to hate me. I couldn't deal with anymore pain than I was in. When Orochimaru took you away I unlocked my mangekyou sharingan. I felt like a horrible mother. Both because I let you get taken away and because it took both of my sons disappearing from my life to get my mangekyou. I was sad when Shisui died, but that's all I was. Sad. I loved Shisui very much... So when he died I shut down... I couldn't feel anything anymore. Until I found out I was pregnant with you. I was happy again. So when you were taken away it hit twice as hard."

"I see..."

Hiori: "When I died and got to be with Shisui again I remembered how much I loved being a mother. He was such a great person, and I wish I could've been half the person he was. My mangekyou allowed me to spiritually speak to anyone I have a strong bond with. So that'd be you, Shisui, Orochimaru, Kakashi and Shisui's father when he was alive. You see he died when Shisui was young. It took a few years for me to move on. That's when I fell in love with your father."

"I hate this... I hate this... I hate this..." Hiori looks at me concerned. "You know... all I wanted since I could remember was to have a regular family. All I wanted was to be a regular kid with regular parents where we could be happy together." I begin to tear up. "But now... I know I can't have that..." Hiori hesitates but walks over and hugs me. I go to push her off but decide against it. I'll allow it just this once. "Thank you for telling me the truth. I'm sorry but... I can't go back to seeing you as my mother... not yet anyway... I'll release the mental block though." Hiori smiled as she tightened her grip. 'I can't... I can't hate her... I need my mom... Even if she left me alone... She's here now... I guess that'll have to do... There's no reason to be childish.' I look down at her as she smiles.

Hiori: "I guess I can accept that. Thank you... for giving me a second chance." She lets go and steps back from me.

"Edo Tensei: Release." Hiori disperses into ash as I watch them fly off into the air. "You better not make me regret this decision."

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