Chapter 41

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(3rd POV)

Alt. Me: "What's this?!"

"Something I copied from my lovely rival!"

Alt. Me: "We have no rival! There's no one alive who can challenge us!" I dashed forward and landed a massive hit to his gut. Blood spat out of Alt. Me's mouth as he was sent rocketing backwards from the shockwave of the punch.

"Then you obviously haven't fought Rock Lee."

Alt. Me: "That weakling? He's not worth my time!" I laughed bitterly as I appeared next to him out of sheer speed.

"You know nothing." I sent a hard roundhouse kick to the side of his skull as he was sent skidding across the ground. I watched Alt. Me stand as he glared at me. His eyes glowed as a susanoo covered his body. His was the entire upper half with a black body, but an odd greenish tint to the armor covering the avatar. In it's hands was a massive katana that would surely cut clean through me if I was hit by it.

Alt. Me: "You may have that fancy eye... But I have something you couldn't hope to have! I have something that is unguardable! You can't dodge this one failure! This is where you die!" I watched his susanoo lift the massive blade high above his head before swinging it down at an incredibly fast speed for something so big. I felt the blood pumping through my veins as I readied the next attack.

"Hirudora!" The massive tiger shot from my hands and collided with the blade.

Alt. Me: "What the hell is going on?! Nothing should be able to stop the Murakumo!"

"You really shouldn't put all your faith in "unstoppable" attacks! It'll get you killed!" I put more power into the attack and launched the blade backwards, knocking the susanoo off balance. I rushed forward, as the tiger dissipated after passing its target, and sent a massive surge of lightning through my leg as I sent a crushing kick to the sternum of the avatar. My leg went through the chest of the susanoo, and slammed against Alt. Me's chest, sending him flying out of the warrior spirit.

Alt. Me: "What is happening?! I'm supposed to be stronger than you!" I laughed as I slowly walked up towards the Alt. Me as he was breathing heavily while on a knee.

"You're everything I'm not. You aren't stronger than me physically, but you are mentally. You believe everything you do is the right thing. While I question every single day if I made the right choice and if there was something different I could've done. But I realize now that things could've ended up so much worse. I could've ended up like you." I kick Alt. Me in the chest that sends him rolling backwards. "I could've ended up not knowing these words that have saved my life so many times before. A hero is not the one who never falls. He is the one who gets up, again and again, never losing sight of his dream." Chakra filled scales begin to cover my forearms as I feel my body getting stronger and stronger. "Through every hardship I've been through. My dream has always been to protect the ones I love till my last breath. So as long as I breathe, I will protect everyone I love until the end! And THAT is where we differ. You fight for nothing but yourself, but I fight to keep others safe. I fight so nobody else has to! And that sole reason is why you die here today!" The ice shards around the arena begin floating around me as this new chakra fills my body. "Holy Blizzard." Snow forms around the cave before it goes flying towards Alt. Me. His eyes widen as shards of ice pierce into his skin again and again. As the jutsu subsides, only the dead corpse of Alt. Me was left... which was kinda fucked up to see. I looked down at the scales on my arm as they slowly began burying themselves back into my skin. "That's... odd..."

(3rd POV)

(Y/n) falls to the ground as cuts form on every inch of his body, blood squirting out from the lacerations.  His blood begin to merge in with the ice of the cave as the area began to morph into a temple-like structure. His blood began to trickle into what appears to be an altar of some kind. The process of the blood flowing into the crystaline bowl in the center of the temple took days, and (Y/n)'s body had somehow healed up. However, scars now littered his body from where the cuts had been after using Takeshi's powers without merging with him. Speaking of the dragon, he knows what's happening and is feeling his soul merging with (Y/n)'s.

Takeshi: "It appears that my time has finally come. It's been far too long... Hiyori... I kept my promise..." Takeshi's body begins to glow before dissolving into flakes of snow, but in the center of the mini blizzard, laid a crystal heart that was floating in place. It was stationary for a minute or two before it began floating towards the temple that (Y/n)'s body laid inside of. It floated over the crystal bowl filled with blood before slowly sinking into the altar. (Y/n)'s body began to convulse as the crystal heart merged with his blood and soul. The process took an entire day of the precise effort of merging two souls together.

(Y/n) POV) (5 days after being Alternate Self)

Pain coursed throughout my body as I forced my eyes to open. Everything hurt, and it felt like my body was being ripped apart. I slowly stumbled my way to my feet as I eyed my surroundings with blurred vision. A mix of knowledge and strength flooded my senses as my brain struggled to retain the information being forced into it. However, even with the pain and discombobulation, one ill feeling filled my mind as my senses spiked around the Leaf Village.

"The village is in danger? Who could be... Pain..." 

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