Chapter 42

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(Y/n) POV)

Doctor: "We need someone to take charge and give us orders." I appeared next to Sakura who was in the hospital. There were so many injured already.

Sakura: "Take charge?!" Sakura was nervous about taking charge of the hospital.

"Sakura." She jumped and turned to look at me. "I can help with their pain." I channeled the essence of winter into my body as I swiped my hand. A harmless, snowy mist covered the hospital grounds as people began to feel less and less pain. "This will numb their pain for around 4 to 6 hours. Heal everybody you can in that time. With you and the doctors here, I believe you can do it." Before she could speak I flashed to Tsunade's office.

"It's him... isn't it?"

Tsunade: "It's him."

"Good." I flash out of the office as I appear at the top of the head of Lord Third's head. "In the place where leaves dance... The fire burns... The shadow of the fire shines on the village... Once again, new leaves sprout." Reciting the words of Lord Third, I take in a deep breath as scales form onto my arms and legs. I exhale as the cold breath of winter leaves my mouth. I take a few steps back before I run forward and leap into the village below.

(3rd POV)

Underneath him, (Y/n) sees Katsuyu being summoned and smirked. As he soars through the air, he spots the main Pain standing in front of Iruka. He narrows his eyes and lightning begins sparking around him as he bolts down.

Pain: "Speak up." As soon as Pain finishes his line, a large bolt of lightning strikes him, sending him barreling across the ground.

(Y/n): "Iruka-sensei. Hurry and get out of here." As Pain stand up from the rubble, another person appears next to (Y/n).

Kakashi: "(Y/n), go with them. Make sure they get back safe." (Y/n) glances at his father with slight worry in his eyes.  However, Kakashi wasn't looking at him, rather his sharingan eye was trained on Pain. "You create a loud diversion, so that you can investigate from the shadows, eh?"

Iruka: "Kakashi! (Y/n)!"

Kakashi: "Please take the wounded one and get away. Leave this scene to me. You two (Y/n), help get the other innocents to safety."

Iruka: "Roger!" (Y/n) stood there silently for a moment before he raised his hand to his father, a cold breeze surrounds Kakashi before (Y/n) turns around and runs off.

Kakashi: "Now it's just the two of us."

Pain: "Then I'll ask you. Where is the Nine Tails?"

Kakashi: "What you're doing is totally pointless. The people of this village are different from your average village. Even if it means dying, there's not a single one of us who would sell out a comrade." Kakashi snaps the chakra rod in his hand before ducking under a kick. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" The wall forms behind Pain who glances back at it before attacking Kakashi with another chakra rod that slips out from his sleeve. Kakashi catches the chakra rod by letting it stab his shoulder as he reveals a ready Chidori in his right hand. "Lightning Blade!" Kakashi thrusts the lightning blade at Pain, but Pain dodges by tilting his head to the side.

Pain: "Kakashi Hatake the Copy Ninja... I'm honored to meet you."  Kakashi backs off as he pulls the chakra rod out of his shoulder. "Where is the Nine Tails?"

Kakashi: "That... is a silly question." Kakashi rushes in with another lightning blade until he stops a foot in front of Pain before being launched backwards by an unseen force.

Throughout the village, destruction could be found at every turn. (Y/n) was occupied getting as many people as he could to the evacuation point, but from all the teleporting and fighting, it felt like his rinnegan eye was burning the more chakra he used. Kakashi had climbed out of the rubble, as he stood there slightly confused.

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