Chapter 43

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(3rd POV)

Pain walked through the smoke before Kakashi busted out from the ground with a kunai thrusting towards Pain. However, before the kunai could connect, it was stopped by Pain's repulsion. Kakashi was sent sprawling out against the crowd as Pain walked up to him.

Pain: "You move quite well... And you have a wide range of jutsu. People like you need to be killed, or you may pose a problem later." Pain held his arm out to the side as a chakra rod came out of his sleeve, and he pointed it at Kakashi.

Kakashi: 'Now...!'

Choza/Choji: "Double... Human... Boulder!" The two plus sized ninja rammed into each other, seemingly squashing Pain between the two of them.

Pain: "Too slow...!" However, these side characters didn't stand a chance as they were sent flying back from Pain. At least that's what I would say if they weren't holding a chain in their hands that was able to trap Pain in the chain that had been circled around him. 'Kakashi Hatake! He planted this chain underground before attacking from below!' The man himself had a lightning blade in his hand that he thrusted towards Pain.

Kakashi: "Lightning Blade!"

Choji: 'Go, Kakashi-sensei!'

Choza: 'Finish him, Kakashi!' And Asura jumped in the way and was hit by the lightning blade instead of Pain. 'The other Pain! He could still move?!' As Asura's neck popped off, the area began flashing in a bright white light. 

Kakashi: 'Make it in time!' The light had covered the entire area.

As the light cleared, Kakashi was seen breathing heavily as blood dripped down on the stone underneath him. Pain was walking up to him as he looked down at him from on top of the rubble.

Pain: "Your inability to move... doesn't seem faked."

Kakashi: 'I didn't make it...' Kakashi looked to his right, seeing the father son duo down on the ground.

Pain: "I know that you're not a Shadow Clone. I shall make certain of your death... It's over. But just to be safe... I will not approach you." He pulled a nail out of the board underneath his foot and held it between his fingers as he pointed the nail at Kakashi. "Hmph... Know pain." With that, the nail flew towards Kakashi, piercing his skull.

Around Konoha, Tsunade was hard at work, keeping her chakra up as she controlled Katsuyu to help heal the ninja that had fallen in battle. Pain looked at Kakashi's body for a moment before he began to leave. Asura's destroyed body came into view as he left. Choji was barely conscious as he looked at the fallen ninja next to him.

Choji: 'Pa... Kakashi-sensei!'

Inside the hospital, Sakura was also doing her best to heal the injuries of the ninja who were able to make it to the hospital.

Sakura: "I'm done with  the first-aid treatment. Please finish with the splint."

Nurse: "Right..."

Iruka: "Sakura!" Sakura turned back to look at Iruka, who had another injured ninja with him. "One more wounded! Hurry!"

Sakura: "Alright." She looked around for an open area before pointing at it. "Please lay him down there."

Back with Choji, he was kneeled over his father's body, tears running down his face.

Choji: "Pa... You tried to protect me..."

Kakashi: "Save... the crying... for later Choji..." Choji gasped as he looked up at Kakashi. "If... you are able to move... report to Lady Tsunade about Pain's abilities. A counter strategy is imperative!"

Choji: "K-Kakashi...sensei?"

Kakashi: "Reflect later! You must... hurry! Run!"

Choji: "But... I... I..."

Kakashi: "Don't let Choza's sacrifice be in vain!" Asura's body had crawled up to the edge of the crater.

Asura: "Persistent fellows, aren't you?"

Kakashi: "Damn it... he's still...!" Out of Asura's back, another rocket formed before pointing at Choji. 'He's after Choji!'

Choji: "Pa...!" Choji looked down at his father again before remembering he was dead. 'Pa... Thank you for everything you've done.' "Just you watch!" The rocket was about ready to be fired.

Kakashi: "Run! Choji!" Choji stood before running off, releasing a mixture of a growl and yell as he did so. 'I daresay with the chakra I have left it's impossible to destroy his entire body. And... if I use it one more time, I'll exhaust all my stamina and chakra. My life will be...' Kakashi closed his eye for a moment as the rocket was fired towards Choji. The rocket trailed Choji who was running as hard and as fast as he could. 'To entrust this piece of information to those who still live. This is the best method I have right now to save the Hidden Leaf!' He says opening his eye, revealing his mangekyo sharingan. As he does so, a rift appears around the rocket as it disappears into another dimension.

Asura: "I get it..." As Pain had launched the nail at Kakashi, he used his mangekyo at the last second to make it seem like he had died, but he was never even hit by the nail. "So... he also... got by... with that ocular jutsu..." With that, Asura's head collapsed, a piece of his head falling off and landing on the ground. Kakashi looked up at the sky, breathing heavily. He had no way of calling for help, his arms were trapped so he couldn't summon (Y/n).

Kakashi: 'Well... it seems this is it for me, too. Obito... Rin... (Y/n)...' Kakashi's eyes closed as his life began playing through his mind.

Obito: "Whatever the village may say... You are a great jonin... I'm about to die... But... I'll become your eyes and see the future for you. Take care of Rin..."

Kakashi: "Obito... Seems this is as far as it goes... for me to see the future as your eyes." Images of his students flashed in his mind, before a sole image of (Y/n) appeared. 'I wasn't able to protect Rin... I keep breaking my promises to you. Forgive me. Obito... Rin... Sensei...' The images of his friends and teachers disappeared from his sight as they ran off, disappearing in a flash of blue as they soared off. 'I'll... be joining you now.' Kakashi continued walking until he saw a man sitting by a fire.

???: "Is that you Kakashi?"

Kakashi: "So this is where you were..." Kakashi walks up to the man and sits down next to him.

???: "Will you tell me your story?"

Kakashi: "Sure... It's a really long story, so I want to take my time." Sukumo, Kakashi's father looks at him with a small smile.

Sukumo: "Yeah...that's fine." Kakashi looks at him with a close eyed smile.

Kakashi: "Well... Father..."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened for a moment as he looked back at Konoha quickly.

Child: "Are you alright mister?" (Y/n) didn't answer for a moment as he continued staring into the destroyed village.

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'm fine." He says turning to the small girl with a close eyed smile as he pats her head. "You stay here with your mother, alright? I need to go help more people." He says as he turns and dashes back into the village.

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