Family Bonding

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"Hello, have you tried these waffles? They are delicious!" Death said sending a smile towards his son.

"You know I can't eat the food from… here. Why are you here father?"

"Oh I was just visiting my Master."

"So you finally found one? Who is the unlucky soul?"

"Oh you know him, it's-OW!" His words were cut off by teeth sinking into his leg. Looking down, he could swear his master had kitten ears laying flat on his hair, along with his large pleading eyes. Tilting his head he reached down, only meaning to touch the ears, but he ended up petting the messy head.

"Such a cute little thing," death whispered, only to get hissed at quietly. Looking back up at his son he said, "He's an acquaintance of your mate you could say. Very lovable, but he doesn't seem to be happy right now, you could say he's a little 'catty'."

Severus chuckled, staring under the table at his half transformed son. He had known Harry was trying for his second animagus form, but he didn't expect it to be a feline. Then again, Harry never did anything normally, so he wouldn't question it. He took pity on the poor kitten boy and fully transformed him, only to gasp and launch himself under the table, drawing everyone's attention.

"Uncle sev? What are you-" Dray started only to stop with a gasp staring under the table. The rest of the time travelers looked as well, completely shocked. Under the table, Severus sat cuddling a baby manticore. Holding his scorpion tail carefully, Severus stroked the soft black fur. He chuckled when the baby nuzzled his chest, and opened it's emerald green eyes happily.

"Is that-"

"No it can't be-"

"But the color-"

"It's impossible!"

Shouts rang out from the time travelers, curious the rest looked under the table. Anastasia and Druella shrieked, jumping into the table, while everyone else froze and stared at the deadly animal in shock.

"Sev can I hold him? He's so cute!" Draco asked, squealing slightly, though he would deny it later.

"Don't ask me, ask him!" Sev said, yet tightened his hold on the cub.

" May I hold you? I promise I won't pull your tail or drop you!" Draco said kneeling in front of Severus and the cub. Looking between the two, the cub wiggled out of Severus Grip. He slowly crawled over to Draco, he crouched, and pounced. The shriek Draco let out made everyone jump, except the cub who was purring, and shaking. It took a second for Draco to realize that the beast was laughing at him!

"Very funny Harry, you scared the shite out of me!"

"HARRY?!" Was heard from everyone from the current time.

"Mrow" Harry cub meowed tilting his head slightly in question. Draco just chuckled, picking up the cub and setting him on his head. Harry purred, sticking his nose into the air, sitting like a king on Draco's head.

"Alright brat, get down so we can change you back." Severus said, a small smile still on his face. Harry put on his best kicked erm… kitten look, truly looking pitiful, but before he could even try to meow, he was snached away and cuddled into a warm chest.

"Oh, such a beautiful thing, aren't you? So sleek, so soft, so fluffy, and so deadly!" Sebastian moaned slightly, cuddling the poor kitten close, smothering him in love.

"Sebastian! Let him go!" Death shrieked.

"But father look at him!" Sebastian held the poor kitten out to death, giving the deity the chance to snatch his poor master back.

"Yes, but you're scaring the poor thing!" Death said softly petting the shaking cub who buried his nose in Death's chest. Severus taking advantage of the moment, shot the spell to turn Harry back. Even as a human, Harry cuddled into Death, slightly scared of his alpha mate.

"Coffin's!" Harry shouted, confusing most of the room. Both Grell and Sebastian flew out of the room, causing Death and Undertaker to fall on the floor laughing. Severus chuckled, and picked Harry up, depositing him back in his chair.

"Well," Neville said staring at the ladies on the table, "are you going to come down now, or should we eat around you?"

"I say we-"

"Eat around them!" Fried and George said together. It took a few minutes to calm everyone back down, but soon they were back to eating.

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