A Q&A for harry

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~fear the line~~~~~~~~~~~

"oh, hey guys, look we're home," harry said with a smile as the two slytherins looked out the carriage window up at the house. He laughed as both mens jaws dropped at the size alone, ' I cant wait until the inside or the gardens' harry thought with a smile.

"This is yours, Potter? Who did you have to screw to get it?" asked draco.

" Myself, i came imto this time with the manor already being mine, i also kept my titles. i employ seven workers, or servents as you would call them draco, i also have a family house elf, kreacher."

"But that means your Lord Black!"

"Yes, i am also Lord Potter. Come on, I'll have Eric give you a tour and you can pick out your rooms. Oh and the kitchen is off limits, kreacher has become rather territorial after the order invaded headquarters."

After giving Stephen and Claude orders to get john to jelp bring in all the luggage and purchases, harry asked Eric to give Severus and Draco a tour and to let them inspect the basement. When everyone had set off, harry wondered down to the kitchens to speak to kreacher.

"Kreacher, we will be having gests for dinner tonight at six sharp. would you be able to make shepards pie for dinner along with small salads for five?"

"Of course master, am i to make the same for ththe others as well?" asked kreacher.

"Yes, and for yourself as well, i have gone grocery shopping, they should be waiting outside for you to collect and put away. Could you make a small lunch for three and serve it in the library?"

"Yes master."

"Thank you kreacher." Harry left the kitchen and wandered upstairs to find his new house guests. Finding them leaving the library, he stopped them.

" When you have finished please join me back here for lunch in the library. You may then ask me any questions you wish until our dinner guests arive." he informed the two.

"i look forward to it, Potter." said severus.

"Of course," said malfoy. "And Potter... thank you... for everything." And with that they, turned and followed Eric back down the hall and up the stairs to the bedrooms. Shaking his head with a small smile, harry turned and entered the library, in search of a book on trasfiguration.

About half an hour and four chapters later, Harry heard the door to the library creak open. Looking up, he saw Draco and Severus standing in the doorway, both looking rather nervous. Motioning them to come in and take a seat on the couch, harry marked his page and set the book on his side table.

"Alright, i know you both must have about a million questions. How about you take turns, Severus you may go first," said harry.

"I dont remember giving you the right to call me that Mr Potter," said Severus.

"Severus, we will not go by last names here, it will only create animosity. Calling eachother by our first names will not only keep the fighting down, it will also help us get to know each other better."

" I see your point Mr... Harry, but it will take some getting used to."

" Fair enough, now go on and ask your question Severus."

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