Dinner with a demon

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Five forty-five saw Harry standing in the entrance hall with Eric, waiting for Severus and Draco. It would be a lie to say harry wasn't a little nervous, his hands were shaking almost violently. Harry found himself wishing he still had a vial of calming draught, but he had taken the last one that morning, before leaving for town. Harry began to pace, wringing his hands infront of his chest, and he kept nervously glancing at the hallway.

"My Lord, please calm down, take deep calming breaths and name every flower you had planted in your garden." said Eric.

"I am trying Eric, but i have never been in a setting such as this. Every time my relatives left for a dinner party, i was locked in my cupboard. i have no idea how to act in this situation," harry said starting to hyperventilate.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hall, harry all but ran to the door, yanking it open. Seeing both Severus and Draco, Harry gave them a small shakey smile. Reaching out he grabbed hold of Draco's hand, and pulled him into the room.

"I need your help," harry said. "I have never been to a dinner party, I'm a nervous wreck, and i feel like im going to vomit. I need a crash course on dining etiquette, or i just know I'll make a fool of myself."

"Ok first take a deep breath, thats it now let it out, there you go, and again. Now you have mastered occlumency, correct?" Getting a shakey nod, Draco continued, "Ok now put up your walls and push all your emotions behind the wall, got it?"

"I-I'll try, just give me a second," harry said as he closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, Harry fell into his mindscape, a beautiful garden that almost matched the one outside. Roses of all colors boardered the edge of his mind. Petunia's and Lilly's formed a sort of maze along the path leading to the center. Dead center of his garden had a large concrete statue of a snake wrapped around a roaring lion, symbolizing both his Slytherin and Gryffindor heart.

Pulling up his occlumency wall, harry watched as the concrete wall rose from the edge of his garden to form a dome, protecting its beauty, and secrets. Pulling his emotions back, Harry grabbed his fear, and his nerves and locked them into a chest that rose from the fountain. Already feeling calmer harry surrounded his wall with traps, just to make sure nothing could get in or out. Taking another deep breath, and one last look around his mind, harry brought himself back to the surface.

"Prof-er Severus, would you please check? I feel like it worked, but I just want to be sure," harry said in a much calmer tone.

With a nod Severus locked eyes with harry, "legilimens," and sank into harrys mind. Looking around severus could see nothing but a concrete wall ahead, and blackness behind. Reaching out he proceeded to tes the barrier, poking at different places, and getting quite the nasty shock for his toubles. Pulling back out, he added his own barrier to help keep Harry's emotions in.

"That was much better than the last time i was in your mind, you have finally mastered occlumency Harry. Very good." said Severus giving Harry a proud smile, if a small one.

"Thank you Severus, while you were testing my walls, Draco gave me a basic rundown of how i should act. I do believe i can handle this now with few mistakes, thanks to both your help gentleman."

"Your welcome harry, now straighten your shirt, Draco fix your tie, there now we are all presentable and calm," said Severus. " Harry, the potions lab should be set up by tomorrow afternoon, i need to make dreamless sleep, is there any potions you need right away?"

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