Hounds worth: Severus; Day one

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It was indeed the next day before Severus got down to the cells. At dinner Harry and Ciel had gotten letters from the queen, calling them away to a town called houndsworth. Something about a ghost dog haunting the town, stopping the building of something or other. He didn't really care, he just knew Harry would be gone for a few days. He had made sure hedwig followed so Harry could write to him, knowing how worried Severus got when Harry was gone for a few hours.

But they had taken Sebastian, Sirius, and Draco along. At least one of them would be able to keep his wayward son out of trouble. Or at least he hoped they would. Still worried about his son, Severus made his way down to the basement after breakfast. He checked on the training room, it was coming along nicely, and almost finished now. He was sure they would need it soon, and the goblins promised it to be done in the next day or two. All that was left was the warding and protection charms.

He passed and made his way farther back to the dungeon area. Harry had truly made the back corner look like a dungeon. Opening the door to the room with the holding cells, Severus could hear screeching coming from inside. Wondering if he really wanted to out up with this today, he took a deep breath and opened the door. His ears were assaulted by the high pitch of one Ginevra Weasley. Rubbing his temples with one hand, he cast sonorus on himself with the other.

"Shut up, you brainless twit!" His voice roared through the room. "No one wants to hear your bloody whining!" Silence greeted him after that outburst, and he cancelled the charm.

"Now that you have shut your insipid mouth, Miss Granger, care to tell me why you thought it prudent to intrude in someone's home?"

"We are not intruding, we are his friends, his only family!" Screeched Hermione.

"No you ignoramus, we are his family, you are his murderers. We are the ones who raise him up, he can be, and do anything he wants right now. He is almost done with his healer training-"

"Harry is not going to be a healer! Harry is going to become an auror, get married to me and we will have six children!" Screeched Ginny, interrupting Severus.

"No Ginevra, he will marry his mate, he will soon be a healer, and he will have as many children as his mate can give him." Severus said, purposefully making it sound that Harry only had one mate. He planned to tell Grell, the questionable cross dresser, that there was a girl trying to steal Harry from him. Honestly he just wanted to see if Grell also fought like a girl.

"No! He will marry me! No one else could ever love him after seeing those disgusting scars all over him! He is-" Severus had heard enough out of her, and cast a silencing charm on her.

" Nothing about my son is disgusting, Ginevra Weasley, it is you who are disgusting. I pray Harry's mate will let me watch as they tear you limb from limb." Severus turn and quickly stalked out of the room, ignoring Hermione's pleas to listen.

" I should be proud for how you stood up for my master, but this life is her punishment. To see Harry thrive with someone who is not her, while she lives on the sidelines forgotten. Her brothers have yet to punish her, and of course masters mates." Came deaths voice from the shadows.

"He may be your master, but he is my son and I will put that thing through hell for what she did to him and so will his brothers." Severus replied turning to the shadows.

"As long as he is happy, that is all I care for. He will never suffer death, same as your family, But he still longs for it. He will never take advantage of his position as my master."

"No, he won't, his heart is to kind, he is a pure soul. After everything he has endured, it is a miracle he has come out as such a great man."

"Indeed, take care of my master, Lord Prince. He will need you all for the trials to come." Severus felt death's presence leave, and with a sigh he made his way to Grell's room. He had some plans to set in motion.

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