welcome home

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Disclaimer: I do not own black butler or harry potter or any of their characters.

Warnings: will be slash, possible mpreg, torture, mentions of child abuse, you have been warned turn back now

Pairings: Harry/Sebastian/Grell, Snape/Undertaker

When harry awoke, he was in a large, very soft bed. Opening his eyes, he saw a black canopy draped over the top. Looking to his left he saw a vanity, and a door that led to a bathroom. To his right was a dresser, a very large bay window looking down to a garden, and the door leading out of his room. Getting up he wandered to his dresser to grab some clothes before going for a bath.

When he was bathed and dressed, Harry wondered down stairs in search of a kitchen. Upon finding the room, he found a note taped to the cupboard.


I see you have found your way around, or at least have found the kitchen. I have taken the liberty of filling your cupboards with food for the time being, until you have gained your bearings in this new time. I'm sure you have noticed the dress style is much different to what you are use to. I have tried to make them more comfortable, but i fear there is not much to be done for it.

Your new job is waiting for you, I have gotten you a job as a detective to her Majesty. Your job is shared by a young earl from a situation not unlike yours. He is second only to you in these cases, though he may not show you respect at first. His parents were killed two years ago in a fire, and he was kidnapped and tortured. He has only recently come home, but beware his butler.

You are to go over and welcome him home, your new staff will meet you outside. They are made from my magic and will never die. You are free to use your magic but please be discreet.

The queen wishes an audience with you, she knows of magic and i have told her your story. I do believe she has a job for you and the young earl. You are to meet her at the undertaker's shop, along with the young earl. As lord you are above him in station, even more so as you are a lord to two houses, but please be nice.

your faithful servant,


Grinning, harry set the letter down and started to prepare his breakfast. Finding his cupboards had been set up with stasis charms, he would not have to worry about any of his food going bad. Just wanting a small breakfast, harry pulled eggs, bread, and some sausage out. He set about making his breakfast, while cooking a thought occured to him.

'Death said all my possessions would come back with me,' Harry thought. 'I wonder if that includes...'

"Kreacher!" With a small crack, the old house elf popped next to harry.

"What can kreacher be doing for master harry?"

"Could you keep up with the house cleaning, and cook when i have guests over?"

" But of course master, kreacher be helping all he can."

"Some of our guests may be muggle kreacher," harry gave a sharp look at kreachers hiss. "So if we have any guests i would like for you to either not be seen or look like a the guests are wizards i shall let you know so you may use magic to serve food. If they are not i will have one of the other workers bring the food out. Understood?"

"Yes master, kreacher can be doing."

"Thank you, kreacher. I must be going now, I need to explore this new time and meet her majesty. I should be home before dinner, if not i will let you know. please remember to eat and take care of your self as well kreacher."

"Yes master harry."

Harry left the kitchen to kreacher, and started wandering towards the front of the house. He passed a library, an office, two living rooms, and a sun lounge. Arriving at the front door, he caught sight of six beings that looked to be regular middle age citizens.

There were four males and two females, the females looked to be twins. Both women sported blonde hair where one had brown eyes, and the other had green. The men did not look at all related, the one in front, who looked to be the leader, had dark brown hair and blue eyes. The man to his left was blonde with blue eyes, to his right was a redhead with brown eyes, and the last was a brunette with green eyes. they were all dressed according to their station. Guessing the women were ro be maids to help kreacher, he turned and asked one of the gentle men their jobs.

" My Lord, i am Eric, i am your head butler, this gentleman to my left is John, your Gardener. To my right is Stephan, your stable boy and coach. And the last gentleman is Claude, your cook and the second in charge. The twins are Scarlett, and Beatrice, your maids, they shall help you dress, serve the food when dining and make up the rooms."

"Well alright, but i have a house elf, he does the cooking and will do some light cleaning. He is injured, so if you see him working to much please get him to stop without hurting himself. I shall introduce you all. Kreacher."

"Yes master Harry?"

"Kreacher, these are the other workers in the house. They shall be helping you to clean and keep organized. You have full control of the kitchen and food, but if they ask you to stop and rest you must. That is an order kreacher. You may ward your kitchen to make sure only you or myself may get in."

"Yes master, thank you master." Kreacher popped away with tears in his eyes and a small smile on his face.

"Alright Stephen, we must make our way into town, we are required at the undertakers shop."

"Yes My Lord, let me gather the carriage and we shall be off."

"My Lord," said Eric, "might i suggest a travelling cloak? I fear it is starting tto chill."

"Yes, thank you Eric. Please gather my cloak for me, you lot scamper off, adjust yourself to the house."

" Yes, My Lord," they chorused, and entered the house to do as bid. Eric retured just as Stephen pulled the carriage up tho the steps. Helping harry into his cloak, and opening the carriage door for him, Eric bid farewell to his lord closed the door and entered the house. With one last look at the house, harry gave the signal and they were off.

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