A party to remember

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The next day found Harry Luna and Draco walking around muggle London. They had already bought Luna's wardrobe, now they were looking for formal wear for that night. Spotting a talor's shop, they entered, asking the clerk if they made formal wear. They said they could, but it would take a few days. They ordered some anyway for any future functions they had to attend.

After getting measured and picking the colours, they left moving to diagon alley. Finding the talor shop, they each ordered a muggle outfit for that night. Harrys was green, Dracos were blue, and Luna picked lavender. After getting measured they were asked to come back in an hour or so for pickup.

Down the alley a ways, they found a jewelers and decided to pick up something for Luna. They let her wonder around, letting her pick her own jewlery. She picked an earing and necklace set with amathyst stones, it would match her dress perfectly. After making the purchase, they decided to wander the alley for a bit.

After a time, they returned to the talor to pick up their clothes, and headed home. The ride was quick, and soon they were heading inside. While Luna, went to put her new clothes away, Harry and Draco made their way to the dinning room for lunch. They were met by Severus, aslo coming up for lunch.

"Hello boys, did you have a nice trip," Severus asked as he sat down.

" Yeah, we got a new wardrobe for luna and ordered a few formal outfits we have to pick up next week," said Harry, aslo sitting down with Draco. A moment later Luna joined them at the table.

" Harry i thought you should know, you will be meeting old friends tonight. I wont spoil the surprise, but I think you will be happy when you see them," she said as she sat down.

"Got it, so dont choke or freak out when I see them, right?"

"Exactly, but one of them will be a shock, so dont drink your second champage flute until after you see them."

"Alright Luna, no more prodictions at the table, it makes for a bad appetite," said severus as food was served. They ate in relative silence, a few words spoken here and there. Finishing up, Draco followed Severus back to the basememt while Harry and Luna went up to the sun room.

After dinner, Harry, Luna, and Draco were dressed and waiting for the carriage to pick them up. Harry was never one for high class functions, and he was a little nervous, he still had no clue how to dance. Resigned to only dance with Luna tonight, he knew something was bound to go wrong. The carriage arrived and they were off.

The ride to Viscount Druitts home was long, almost two hours, but it passed easily. Talking amongst themselves quietly, until lunas eyes glazed over.

"Oh, well that's unexpected," She said coming back to herself with a frown.

"Who was it Luna," asked Draco. "Who are we going to have a problem with?"

"Oh no, just a surprise, a new... view of a new friend." She smiled this time, but Harry could see there was more to it.

"Don't worry Lulu, we wont leave you alone for even a second." harry said, gaining an even bigger smile from the small blonde, as they arived. Getting out with Luna on his arm, they announced themselves to be intoduced when entering.

"Introducing Lord Potter-Black, Lord Malfoy, and Heiress Lovegood-Potter." They made their way down the stairs, Three men coming to meet them.

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