Father Son Day

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The next time Severus woke, it was to hear a banging from several rooms over. With a sadistic smile, he rolled from bed, and went to get dressed. Exiting his room, he was met with a tired and confused Ron. Giving what could be described as a creepy smile, Severus continued down the hall to Harry's room, and knocked on the door. He was greeted seconds later by the sound of something hitting the wall beside the door.

"Now really Harry, I know your not a morning person, but must you attack me?" he asked walking into the room.

"Its not morning... its hell o'clock...," Harry mumbled from under his pillows.

"Im afraid not, it is 7 am, and you young man have a full schedule today, since you skived off yesterday. Now you will be dressed and down for breakfast and in the lab by no later than 10, am I understood?"

"You know, last I checked, I was an adult... and I already graduated school... and I hate the lab!"

"No whining, you wanted to learn to brew the wolfsbane potion. To learn you must study, there are still werewolves in this time."

"I wanted to learn for Remus... but hes not here so no learning..."

"No you will learn and you will succeed, now get up," Severus said, as he pulled the covers off Harry.

"Daddyyyyyyyy! Its cold!"

" And here I thought you were an adult, if your not up in five minutes I'm sending the dog in." Severus left the room, hearing feet hitting the floor and almost running to the ensuit bathroom. Chuckling to himself, he made his way to the dinning room.

Severus was the first one down this morning, not horribly unusual, but Luna usually beat him there. Calling Kreacher to start serving breakfast, he sat and waited for the rest to come down. First came Draco and Luna, followed shortly by Harry. Sirius and the workers were next, and finally Ron stumbled in last. Severus smirked at Draco when a certain reaper didn't show that morning.

"Dad do you know where Grell is? I didnt think he would have left last night." Harry said.

"He got tied up with something, and couldnt make it," Severus said, glancing at a giggling Draco.

Nodding, Harry returned to his meal, it seemed he forgot that the coffins were delived yesterday. They went through thier schedules severis giving Harry's, he wanted to spend time with the boy. They finished breakfast and Severus reminded Harry again to come to the lab.

While waiting for Harry, Severus prepared the ingredients they would need for the potion. He thought back to when he had created this potion, remebering the pride he felt when he finished it.


Severus poured the armadillo bile into his cauldron, stirring left five times before stirring right twice. He repeated this step seven times before preparing the moonstone and Phoenix tears. Just as he was about to add the tears his floo went off causing him to pour the entire vile into the cauldron instead of just a few drops.

"Shite! Albus what is so important that you must interrupt my work so late at night?" Severus yelled at the face in his fire place.

"You are needed in the hospital wing, it seems young Draco has broken his arm. Lucius has been asking for you for almost an hour, I had to override your wards just to contact you."

"Fine, I will be up in a moment, let me put this in stasis." Waving his wand over the cauldron, he grabbed a vile of skelligrow from his cabinet and flooed to the hospital wing.

Several hours later, after being dragged to Malfoy manor for dinner, he reentered his lab. Having completely forgotten about the accident, he added the moonstone and the hellspore leaves. Stirring it three times he left it to simmer, he left the lab to go grab the large viles to store the potion.

He didnt notice the potion was clearer that it had been last time he made it. He wouldnt rememner the mistake until remus contacted him two months later about how this batch worked so much better. He wouldnt know for years that one ingredient would change it to a cure. But for now he was tired, and more than ready to call it a night.

~Flashback ends~

Severus shook himself out of his memories as he heard the door to the lab open. Harry stepped in looking like he was getting ready to defuse a bomb. He wore a thick jacket, a pair of overalls three sizes to big, a helmet and it looked like four pairs of gloves.

"What are you wearing?" Severus chuckled.

"Well if its going to blow up on me, I thought I better have some protection."

"You silly child, this room is warded so that no one will be hurt. You could set off a bomb in this room and you wouldnt even get a scratch."

" With my luck? No thanks, I'll stick with my pads." Harry waddled over to the table, looking over all the ingredients he would be using, and probably ruining, today. Severus still chuckling, started to instruct him on brewing the potion, making him take at least two pairs of gloves off.

A few hours later, it was almost finished and harry had a thought. If phoenix tears could stabalize the wolf, wouldnt a burning feather, or a feather period, cure the virus? Looking to see if Severus was watching, he transformed his arm into his animagus form of a phoenix. Pulling a feather, he quickly added it in with the tears.

Stirring it all together, Harry noticed the potion turned a deep blue. The same blue as his feathers coincidentally, and he knew his dad would notice. Quickly bottling it up, Harry stashed it in the back of the cabinet, behind the other viles. Cleaning up his work station, he wondered how long it would take before his new dad noticed his change.

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