Of Nargles and Invitations

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The next morning, rolling over Severus immediately missed the warmth he had just left. Jerking awake Severus sat up and looked to his side. Laying there still sleeping, was Undertaker, remembering last night Severus smiled. 'Thats right, I found my mate' the half vampire thought.

He knew his students use to call him a bat, his fellow professors always use to laugh at how close they were. Given he never tried to stop these rumors, they had run rampant. He didnt really mind, he had liked the fear they had created for his classes.

Getting out of bed, severus gathered his clothes for the day and left to the bathroom. Bathed and dressed, he re-entered his room to wake his mate.

" Undertaker, it is time to get up. We do not want you wasting the day away lounging in bed." Rubbing his eyes, Undertaker sat up and looked around, Spotting Severus, he smiled.

"Good morning, oh dear what time is it?"

" Time to get up, thats what time, if I rememner you have some coffins to build for my son."

" Oh yes! I mist get that done, hehe, that demon wont know what hit him, haha." Laughing he quickly got up and all but ran from the room. Shaking his head with a smile, Severus left and traveled down to the dining room finding he was the last to enter.

"I apologize for my lateness, I had something to take care of."

"Thats alright," said draco, "if I had a guest in bed I would be late too." He sent Harry a smirk, causing the brunette to stick his tounge out at him.

"Dont be jealous Draco, one day you will find someone that meets your rediculously high standards," Harry said.

"I prefer a lover of high quality, they must keep me satisfied," Draco sniffed before chuckling. Going through the morning routine of schedules, Sev and Draco finishing potions, and Harry reading and working on his businesses, they ate their breakfasts. As they were rising harry felt his wards going off in the rear, just passed the gardens.

" It seems we have an unexpected guest. John, you will join me, they have entered the gardens." Rising they all left, the snakes to the basement, Harry and John to the gardens.

Walking calmly through the gardens, knowing if the person was a threat they would be unconcious, they made their way to the shrine. Rounding the last hedge, Harry stopped spotting a head of white blonde hair at one of the benches. His breath caught, he could see it was female but he didnt dare hope, and then the girl spoke.

"I can see why death chose this place to put you harry. It is completely clear of nargles and whrachsperts. Did you know theres a crumplehorned snorkack just outside your wards? Daddy would have loved to see it."


" Yes harry?" Luna turned and smiled at him. Harry blinked, stunned, before running and gathering the small girl in a fierce hug.

"Merlin Luna, your here" harry whispered, tears falling. " I'd hoped, but I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I tried Luna, I tried to save you, but I made them pay."

"Its alright Harry, dying wasnt so bad. Death was very nice afterwords, he let me spend some time with my mum. She was more beautiful than I remember, she told me I had to come back, that you would need me again. Death told me where to find you, hes a strange nargle, but he told me where to find you."

"Remind me to thank him later, come on your living here now. I wont let you stay anywhere else, the others will just have to deal with it." Harry laughed wiping tears from his cheeks. Taking Luna's hand, he lead her back to the house and pulled her to the library with him.

"Oh Harry, this is wonderful just look at those chairs. I bet they are quite comfortable, along with the couch. I bet they feel just like the cousions in your sun room upstairs."

"Not quite, the cousions are better, "Harry admitted with a smile. Luna was back, this was the girl he remembered from before Malfoy manor. "So, do you know where you want to sleep or would you like a tour? Have you already seen the house?"

"My room is the purple room across from yours, and you really should start on that training room, Sirius and Neville will need it."

"Well I guess we need to change your walls, do you need clothes?"

"Oh yes but thats for tomorrow, can we go see Kreacher? I have a potion for him."

"Of course," Harry said rising to lead luna down to the kitchens, unsurprised as she passed through the ward. Luna always was Kreachers favorite.

"Mistress Luna!" Kreacher cried flinging himself at the small girl.

"Hello Kreacher, is your leg still bothering you? I have a potion to fix that here with me."

" Oh yes, mistress Luna, but I's not be needing potions, none be workong on house elvesies."

"This one will, it was made special, it will fix you right up and make you younger to keep up with harry here, since none of us age anymore."

Taking the potion and looking to Harry for permission, Kreacher downed it. You could see the change immediately in about a minute he looked almost exactly like Dobby, but with a longer nose. Kreacher tentatively took a few steps, then ran around the room when he felt no pain. Yeah, he was better

"Oh thank you so much Mistress! kreacher be making your favorite for dinners tonight!" Harry watched, smiling as Kreacher hugged Luna's legs then started getting ingredients for dinner. Pulling Luna from the room, they made their way upstairs to fix her bedroom.

Later, at lunch Eric came in with a letter for Harry.

Dear Lord Potter-Black

You are cordially invited to a ball being held tomorrow at 9, dress is formal. you are permitted to bring two guests with you.


The Viscount of Druitt

"Draco, you shall accompany Luna and myself to a ball tomorrow. We will be going shopping for Luna's wardrobe tomorrow, so we will pick up formal clothes then."

"Why do I have to go?"

"Because I have to bring two guests, and can you really see Severus at anything he is not required to attend?"

"Fine but I reserve the right to complain."

"Duely noted."


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