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After breakfast, Harry led the group back to the parlor from the night before. However this time he sat on the floor with Ciel, a chess board between them. Ron sat on the side, declaring he would play the winner.

"Excuse me," Johnathan said politely," but could you please explain a few things to us? Like how the demon got into this house? Or whom this new man is?" He gestured to death on the last question.

"Oh yeah! I fell asleep before I could answer questions." Harry said not taking his eyes off the game he was playing. "The demon got in because Ciel here got in. As Sebastian is Ciel's Butler, where Ciel goes he goes. And as for that weirdo… I honestly have no idea who he is. He has been stalking me for the last three months." Death spluttered, staring agape at Harry.

"And this boy?" Lord Malfoy asked with a kind smile at Ciel.

"This is Lord Ciel Phantomhive, owner of that big toy company." Harry said vaguely, waving off to the side. Ciel sent him a smirk but didn't correct him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm sure I'll catch all your names later. Hey that's cheating!" Ciel yelled at Harry's last move.

"No that's fair, the queen can move as any piece," Ron said, slightly surprised at how good Harry had gotten.

"So how are you Lord Potter, when the title clearly belongs to my husband?" Anastasia snapped rudely.

"Ana!" Hadrian chastised, scowling at his wife. The elder Potter's looked shocked at her rudeness.

"It is yours by right! He should hand it back, he doesn't deserve it!" Anastasia shrieked.


The sound of the slap rang in the room, Marie Potter's hand still raised and ready to strike again.

"That is your grandson you are speaking about, and mine as well. You will hold your tongue or be barred from even touching the Potter vaults!" Marie hissed at the blonde.

"I am terribly sorry for my wife's actions, my Lord. Please leave her punishment for me." Hadrian bowed, glaring at his wife behind him.

"It's fine Hadrian, and none of that my Lord shite, it's so annoying. And in answer, I have friends in low places." Harry said with a small smile.

"Um… don't you mean friends in high places?" Abraxas asked curiously.

"No, I mean low, Like hell level low. Do you all remember the tale of the three brothers?"

"The old children's tale? Of course, all the children know it." Charlus spoke for the first time.

"Well, um… I don't know how to explain this one. Usually I have to tell the story as well. Hang on a tick, let me tell myself the story." Harry closed his eyes for a few minutes, laughing randomly, at what no one but death knew. Opening his eyes again, Harry smiled at death before speaking again.

"So the tale, isn't as much fantasy as you would think it to be. The wand, the stone, and the cloak are real." He said giving it a moment to sink in.

"Preposterous!" Lady Malfoy snorted. "It is a fairy tale, nothing more."

"I assure you they are real, I have seen all of them. And I know someone in this room who is in possession of one of these items. It's a family heirloom you see. It is said that the youngest brother passed it down to his son before his death. It has passed down through his family, and I'd be willing to bet that the item is in this room, in fact I'll bet ten gallons there are two in this room right now," Harry challenged.

"I'll take that bet!" Sirius said, pulling the coins from his pocket. The Longbottoms, the Weasley's, and the Potter's following, a small pile of gold sitting on the table.

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