New friends or maybe enemies?

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Disclaimer: I do not own black butler or harry potter or any of their characters.

Warnings: will be slash, possible mpreg, torture, mentions of child abuse, you have been warned turn back now

Pairings: Harry/Sebastian/Grell, Snape/Undertaker

The ride to the Undertaker's shop took just over an hour, harry spent most of the ride in thought. 'That look on rons face... did he really want me to die? He looked shocked... and maybe a little scared'

"My Lord, we have arrived at the Undertaker's." Stephens voice shook harry out of his thoughts, looking out the window he saw they were indeed outside of an undertaker studio.

"Thank you, Stephen, if you would like to join me, park the carriage and be quick."

"Yes, of course My Lord." Stephen bowed as harry climbed out of the carriage. Closing the door, harry turned to get a better look at the shop. It was dark, dingy, and there were coffins leaning against the front of the shop. Above the door was a sign reading 'Undertaker' in black paint. The windows wer caked with grime, making them look almost painted black, all together it looked like a very spooky place. Harry couldnt help bit think of Snape, he was sure to love this place, creepy enough to keep most out, yet serious enough to warn there are dangers inside.

Looking around, Harry noticed two carriages, much like his own, coming towards the building. Looking back to the building, he saw in the door a man with long silver-white hair that covered most of his face. From what harry could see of him, he had a scar that bisected his face, a scar across his neck, and a mouth full of very sharp teeth. The man wore nothing but a black robe, reminding harry again of Snape.

"Come in master, we shall wait for the rest inside," said the man, his voice raspy, but plesant. Following the man in, harry glanced around, seeing many more coffins littered aound the main room along with a black couch and three black wingback chairs.

"I take it you are the reaper known as Undertaker? I can see the perks of being what you are in this job, even if you are retired." said harry.

"Indeed i am, i had not known you had done your research on us."

"Oh, I didn't i just got the information transferred to me from death to make my adapting to this time easier. i just pilfered a few other things aswell, like the names, faces, and histories of all the reapers."

"Haha, i see, hehe, well if you will excuse me for just a moment, hehe, i must hide myself for our guests master, hehe."

Still giggling Undertaker crawled inside a black coffin, with what looked like red velvet lining. Harry shook his head and wandered to one of the wingback chairs to sit and wait. Less than a minute later stephen walked in first, and came to stand behind Harry's left shoulder, hands clasped behind his back. Hearing voices from the other side of the door, harry crossed his legs and leaned back to wait.

First to come through the door was a young girl, about fifteen, dressed regally in a blue and white gown. Rising and bowing to the queen, harry snuck a lok behind him at the coffin the undertaker hid in, it was shaking.

"Your Majesty, it is an honor to meet you." said Harry politely.

"No, Lord Potter-Black, i do believe the pleasure is all mine. I must thank you now for the service youhave commited at your age. I do not believe anyone truly thanked you from the rumors i have heard." said the queen.

"Right, um, well... thank you your Majesty, but it was no big deal i had to do it." harry said, rising from his bow looking sheepish, and rubbing his neck. "Your Majesty could you please introduce me to our other guests?"

"Of course Lord Potter-Bla-"

"Please just call me harry, im not comfortable being adressed as lord." Harry interrupted, getting a glare from the young earl, and shocked looks from the queen and her Entourage.

"But of course Harry, I understand, I am sorry it slipped my mind. This is the Earl Ciel Phantomhive, and his butler Sebastian. Earl this is Lord Hadrian James Potter-Black, my newest confidante, and the top guard dog to the royal family." Harry could feel the glare from the boy burning holes in the side of his head.

"Your Majesty, what of the Phantomhive family? They have been your guard dogs for the last five generations." said the Earl.

"They are second only to the Potters, always have been. The Potters have only one living decendant left, Harry here is the last living Potter, and has been since he was one. Harry, the Earl is the last of the Phantomhive line as well, please do not kill him."

"As long as he behaves your Majesty, he has nothing to fear from me, nor does his butler," harry said looking directy into Sebastian's eyes making sure he got the message. Harry could feel the demonic power flowing off Sebastian in waves, could feel his shock and suspicion in the air, could almost taste his fear of being found.

Back against the wall Harry could hear the Undertakers coffin shaking softly. Hearing him calm down Harry gestured to the seats around the room.

"Shall we sit and wait for the undertaker to return? He had just ran out as i came in, he should be back soon."


"Welcome, have you finally come for a coffin young Earl? I have a design that would be just lovely for you. Care to test it out?" asked the Undertaker, scaring all but Harry and Stephen. Cackaling madly, Undertaker came over and sat directly in Harry's lap.

"Oh, you my dear are just lovely, would you care to join me in my coffin tonight Lord Black?" Undertaker ran his hands up and down Harry's chest, groping where he could. Out of the corner of his eye, Undertaker saw the Earl's butler clench his fists. 'Interesting.' He thought.

"Ah, dear Undertaker, if i wasnt already spoken for, i would join you every night." harry said smirking at the shocked faces of the others in the room.

"Excuse the interruption, but i do have things to do today, harry i shall be in touch. If a job arises i shall send word to you both. I hope you will work together pleasently, or it will be transferred solely to harry. Good day gentleman." Everyone in the room stood with the queen and bowed as she glided out of the building.

"Lord Potter-Black, if i could ask-" started Ciel.

"No Earl Phantomhive, you may not, what service i have done for the crown is between myself, and her Majesty. And yes i do know what it is like to lose a parent, i have lost both mine and my godfather before i was 16. Distancing yourself from those you still have, will ruin what small chance you have of getting true revenge. At least you have your aunt, i have no one. Good day Earl Phantomhive." With that harry turned on his heal and left the building with only a nod to the Undertaker, and stephen following.

"Hehe, you would do well not to anger that one boys, he's special. Ah, but i have guests to get back to, on your way boys, come back anytime!" Undertaker said with a smile ushering them out the door. Smiling as he watched them disappear in the opposite direction from harry, he couldnt help but think, 'it will be so fun watching them figure out they are mates, i cant wait for the third to be found.'

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