End To the Day..... FINALLY!!

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Harry walked through the door to be greeted by Kreacher. He was speaking so fast, Harry only caught every other word. Quickly grabbing the young elf, Harry called for Stephen and Claude to bring the groceries down, and ran to the kitchen. Sitting with Kreacher in his lap almost crying, Harry tried his hardest to calm the little elf. After twenty minutes of rocking, he finally calmed enough to speak somewhat clearly.

" Master Harry, th-they best kicking Kreacher out of hi-his rooms! Th-they say it i-is not being clean! B-b-but they'd b-be Kreachers rooms!" cried Kreacher.

"Who kicked you out? No one besides Luna and myself have permission to even enter your room."

" Th-the females! Th-they said they had to c-clean!"

" Alright, calm down Kreacher. I'll call Luna down here to sit with you, and I'll go talk to them, alright?"

"Y-yes Master Harry." Harry sent a patronising to Luna, before casting a locator spell to find Beatrice and Scarlett. He waited until Luna popped her head into the kitchen before storming out.

As he passed the twins he barked at Eric to take them to the parlor, and to find Ron. He followed his spell Althea way to Kreachers room, meaning they were still 'cleaning'. His magic blew the door open, scaring both girls in the room.

" Lady's, let me make one thing clear, this room, much like the kitchen, is off limits. You will put everything back exactly how you found it. Then you will go to the kitchen, and you will apologize to Kreacher for invading his space. Move."

The girls quickly went to work, Harry watching with a glare until they were done. Ron stood silently behind him, afraid to say anything when someone had upset Harry. The girls all but ran from the room to the kitchens. Harry raised a ward around the room to make sure it never happened again. Kreacher deserved his privacy after everything the elf had been through.

" Ron, you need to go to the parlor. There are some guests I need you to greet while I calm down."

"Right, take all the time you need mate."

Harry smiled after Ron had left, he had no plans to go to the parlor. They could all sit in fear for a while. He made his way back to the kitchen to put groceries away. He grabbed some bags, and carried them through the door. He kept this up until they were all in the kitchen.

Luna had taken his seat, with Kreacher still slightly hiccuping on her lap. He decided to give them a moment alone, and started to put the food away.

"Master Harry, please leave the chicken, carrots, and rice out, those be for dinners." Kreacher whispered.

" Of course, and I had the girls put your room back exactly how they found it. I warded your room this time, so only those you give permission to enter may see the door. I will have Eric punish the girls tonight anyway he sees fit."

" You is too good, Master Harry, Kreacher thanks you."

"I would do anything for you, Kreacher, you know that. Anytime you need me, I will be there for you." Harry smiled at Kreacher, as he finished putting up the food. Grabbing the joke bag he handed it to Luna, who smiled, hugged Kreacher one last time, and left the room. Harry knelt down and gave the elf a big hug, before grabbing the potion ingredients and heading down to the lab.

Harry knocked before entering, and found both Severus and Draco working on a pepper up. Setting the bag down, he started sorting out the purchases. He separated them into smaller sizes for easier use. He started putting them away, when Severus came over to take some beetle eyes from the jar.

"Thank you Harry, you were just in time, but care to explain why your face is so…. You?" Draco asked from across the room.

Harry told them the entire story, from beginning to end. They were shocked to hear the twins had been here for so long, and even more to hear they were in the house. Severus was furious when he heard about the invasion of Kreacher's privacy. Draco however laughed when he heard how Harry planned to punish them.

"Oh, by the way Draco, I met some members of your family today as well. It turns out your looks do come from creature blood in your family." Harry smirked at the now pale blonde. "And we will be hosting them for dinner tomorrow night."

"Oh, um… Right. Sev, I have to um… yeah bye!" Draco said as he ran from the room a terrified look on his face. He knew what Harry did when you lied to him, he wanted to find a safe place.

"Are you sure we can't have holding cells down here? I'll leave room for your training room, but just to hold the menaces when they go to far." Severus asked.

" I'll think about it, we may need them anyway here soon. But I need to go find Eric, those girls need to be punished, I'll see you at dinner dad." Harry left a shocked Severus standing by the finished potion. It was the first time Harry had called him dad and meant it.

Harry found Eric, and was assured the girls would be punished accordingly. He then made his way to his room, where he knew Luna was waiting with a plan for payback, on both the girls and Draco. They sat planning until Stephen came to get them for dinner.

Dinner was calm, everyone thinking Harry was still upset by what had happened. Harry was content to let them think this, as it meant he would have one last quiet night. After dinner, he retired to the library for the rest of the night. Luna joined him, the only one brave enough to face a truly angry Harry. They ended up calling asleep on one of the couches, Luna's head in Harry's lap, Harry's head on the armrest.

Severus smiled as he found them a few hours later, and covered them both with blankets. He cast a warming charm, as the fire had gone out, dimmed the lights and left the room. He sent the twins to the far side of the house, as far from him as they could get. He checked on Kreacher, and Draco, and finally went to bed.

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