The Pain of Remembering

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They didn't see Harry again for the rest of the afternoon. They knew where he was, thanks to Luna, but they had decided to let him be for a while. They all knew how Harry got when he had to remember his life before. Severus and Draco had spent the entire afternoon in the lab. They knew they would need some dreamless sleep for everyone for a few nights.

However, up in the sun room Harry lay on the carpet, Keada resting on his chest. Harry had set up a special spot for her up there so he wouldn't have to worry about others discovering his secret. He knew Draco and Severus knew, also the Weasley's and Neville. But, he didn't want to be called a dark lord or be hated for something he couldn't help.

~speaker, why do you smell sad?~

~I just had a very long talk… one I didn't want to have.~

~then why talk? Two legs are confusing.~ 

~No we are just different than you.~

That seemed to silence her questions as she just slithered under his shirt for warmth. Keada had decided she would not be leaving her speaker alone for a while. She liked being around him anyway, she was a curious being.


Luna sat in the gardens, staring at the hidden sunroom. John stood behind her cleaning the statue, avoiding trimming the bush she was leaning against. He had chores to do, but feeling his master's pain, he decided to leave the guests alone. Infact, they all had avoided the guests that day, only interacting with death and Severus.

No, they had no real feelings, they were linked to their master, and recognized his feelings. John could feel Eric coming through the gardens to find him, probably with a new list that let him avoid the guests. However, he was drawn to the blonde and it didn't feel right to leave her alone, especially when she tended to wonder. She didn't seem to see anything when she would wonder, and he felt she would easily get lost.

Far be it from him to stop her, but he did keep his eye on her. Having turned her around three times before sitting her down in the garden when she started to wonder off the property. He found it odd that she didn't wear shoes, but then again neither did he. Deaths shadows covered him and his brothers and sisters in what appeared to be clothes.

John blinked, noticing the girl had turned to stare at him, her eyes glazed as if in a dream. She didn't blink for several minutes, and he began to wonder if she had been frozen. Once she had closed her eyes, they seemed crystal clear as she smiled at him before standing and skipping back inside the manor.

As much as he wanted to follow her, he still had several hedges to tend to. Turning he froze on the spot as he saw Eric giving him a strange look, before handing him a list and walking away. Glancing at the list, he saw a note at the bottom in deaths handwriting.

She is your mate, don't ignore the pull.

~harrys friends ~

"Are we sure we can't kill her?" Draco asked,  glaring at Anastasiaas he came in with calming droughts.

"We probably could, Charlus is already born so James will be born eventually. But I think we need to ask Hadrian's opinion first," Sirius said thoughtfully.

"Harry wouldn't care, he hates her," Ron snorted.

"I meant the other Hadrian," Sirius chucked.

"I could get the Malfoy's to disown her, her attitude is deplorable," Draco said, standing to go find his family.

"You know, I completely believe he will be victorious in that endeavor. The Potter's never spoke of Charlus' mother, as if she was disgraced," Sirius said.

"Serves her right-"

"For treating Harry-"

"Like the dirt-"

"Below her feet," The twins said.

Everyone looked up as the door to the sitting room opened, smiling as Luna skipped in with her usual dreamy smile. Luna sat in Ron's lap, turning to look at Neville.

"Harry is infested with wrackspurts, he is in the sunroom. I think he may need pudding," she told him before laying her head down on Ron's shoulder and falling asleep.

"I swear Luna could sleep on a pile of rocks," Ron muttered, moving around until he was comfortably holding Luna.

Neville sighed, knowing he had to go find Harry before he let his thoughts take over. As he left the room, he called for Kreacher to make a small helping of pistachio pudding, as he knew it was Harry's favorite. he slowly made his way up to Harry's personal rooms. Upon entering, he easily found the hidden door, as there was absolutely no reason for the picture of a dog to be in Harry's room.

He stood just inside the door, watching as Harry spoke with his snake. He knew it had scented him as soon as he walked in, but was surprised it hadn't said anything to Harry yet. Feeling a tug on his pants he looked down to see Kreacher holding up the requested bowl of pudding. Neville thanked Kreacher, gaining Harry's attention.

"I only asked him for pudding, and only a small amount," Neville told Harry before he could get angry. Harry nodded, lifting keada from his chest and sitting up properly. He set her on the warming stone before turning and making grabby hands at the bowl.

"No, use your big boy words Harry," Neville laughed, getting a glare from the boy.

"Accio pudding," Harry said, pulling the pudding out of Neville's hands.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Neville chuckled coming in to sit next to Harry.

"Me want pudding!" Harry said around the spoon in his mouth, playing along with it.

"No we say 'Please' and 'Thank you'," Neville laughed.

"Tank you!" Harry said before putting another spoonful into his mouth.

"Close enough I guess," Neville said, wrapping an arm around his best friends shoulder.

"Luna sent you up here?" Harry asked after a few minutes between bites.

"Yeah, who else would suggest pudding as a way to cheer you up?"

Harry chuckled, starting a light conversation about pudding and it's healing powers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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