Finding the Magic

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A few days later, just before lunch, Ciel stopped by with Sebastian.

" Sorry to intrude on short notice but i need your help," Ciel said to Harry.

"All right what can i help you with, and if its illegal can i join?"

" I need- Wait, what? your the guard dog to the queen you can't do illegal things. Your job is to uphold the law, to the queens specifications."

"Says who? I'll have you know, I j-walk, cheat at poker and chess, and occasionally steal," said Harry.

" I knew it! Theres no way you could have beat me at chess mate, you play worse then a monkey," exclaimed ron walking into the library where they were gathered.

" Damn, you were eavesdropping again weren't you?" asked Harry.

" No, i was just... walking by, yeah we'll go with that."

"Anyway what did you meed help with Ciel," harry asked refocussing the young Earl's attention.

" Right, i need clothes, commoners clothes, we are doing a stake out tonight, and i need to look like a street rat," answered Ciel.

"Psh, that all? Yeah okay ill help you but im coming with you tonight. If you catch Jack, i want to be there. I have some questions for... them," harry said standing to lead Ciel out off the room.

"Sebastian sit!" Harry called turning at the door. To his surprise and amusement, the demon sat down imediatly. " Haha, I didn't think that would work," he giggled at Ciel, who was chuckling behind his hand. " Now stay, be a good boy and you'll get a treat." Harry said as he led Ciel away, ignoring the glaring demon behind them.

Getting Ciel into a ratty outfit, that would make anyone igmore him as a street rat, Harry got into his own outfit. Harry looked more thuggish than ratty, making him look homeless but dangerous.

" Hey. yyou want to have lunch here? We can head out to wherever after a while, but its passed lunch and i missed breakfast this morning." Harry said, he really had missed breakfast. Harry had slept in after having stayed up most of the night to finish a business contract for one of the potter companies.

"Of course, I am feeling rather peckish myself, a late lunch sounds lovely." Ciel answered following harry down to the kitchen. Harry poked his head through the door, calling out to the little elf.

" Hey Kreacher, Can we get a few sandwiches? We missed lunch and you know i love your sandwiches."

"Yes master Harry, Kreacher be making and bringing to the library." Kreacher reploed starting on the food.

"thanks Kreacher," harry said pulling his head back out.

" Your cook has an awfully weird name, and he is rather uneducated for a cook," Ciel said following harry back to the library.

"Yeah, hes a bit off, but he is family and in a round about way we love him," harry said entering the library. He saw ron looking through the shelves for a defence book, and Sebastian was still in the exact same chair. In his hands was the transfiguration text harry had been reading when they arrived.

'Shit,' Harry thought, 'they dont know about us yet!'

"This is rather interesting, Harry, tell me where did you come across such a text. I had thought they were all burned in the witch burnings years ago," Sebastian asked still looking through the book.

" Oh um... its... its mine, actually. It was a school book, um you know for that boarding school i went to... along with everyone else in my house..." Just then Kreacher popped in set the tray of sandwiches down and popped back out. Ciels eyes were glued to the spot the elf had just been, his mouth open and eyes wide.

" What the bloody hell was that!" He screamed, looking to Sebastian for an answer.

" That was Kreacher, my cook..." harry said, starting to wish he had thought before leaving Sebastian in his library. His magical library.

" What the hell was he! That thing was not human!"

" I believe young master, that was a house elf, very useful creachers, if a bit stupid," Sebastian answered.

" Shit, um ron,"Harry called back to the red head," go get sev... NOW!"

Shaking himself Ron ran from the room and down to the basement. Throwing the lab door open he screamed, "Harry needs help, they saw Kreacher!" Severus and Draco both ran from the room, leaving the unfinished potion to sour off the fire. Running into the library, they saw harry backed into a corner, litterally. Sebastian stood infront of him, with an angey Ciel off to the aide yelling at him.

Sending both men flying from his son, Severus bound them before checking harry over.

" Calm down, both of you," severus said, "we are not a danger to you."

"Like hell, your just like the people who kidnapped me!"

"Never. Say. That. Ever. Again." Severus hissed. at the boy. "We are nothing like them, we were boen with our magicIt is ingrained in our souls, we would die without it. We are no different than who we were yesterday. We did not sell our souls for this gift, and if you ask Harry he will yell you he would gladly give his magic, his very essence, his life force, to bring his family back, to have a normal life. His magic is what, brought us here, it is what brought all of us back after we died!"

"What do you mean died? Your right here, you haven't died yet!" Taking a deep breath, severus told their story, their true story. Telling them how they were from a different time, how harrys relatives really treated him and why. and about their deaths, he explained harrys title as master of death, but explained it was up to death to being people back not harry. It took a few hours, but the story was finished and they had all calmed down.

"I am sorry about yelling and accusing you of being like them, it was just a shock to me," Ciel whispered to Harry.

"Its fine," harry said from Severus' lap, "Im pretty sure my reaction was the same as yours when hagrid came to tell me everything."

"Now that that is settled, i do believe you boys had plans for tonight, that is if harry is still welcome," Severus said looking at the time.

" Oh yes of course you can still come, we need to get going. I dont want to miss him," Said ciel standing to leave. Sebastian rose walwalked over and picked harry up from Severus' lap, holding the man closer. Now that he knew what harry was he didnt have to worry about breaking his mate, Harry couldnt die. They entered the carriage, Sebastian setting harry down in his seat before jumping up front. They headed off into the night, all three lost in their own thoughts.

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