Prophecy or not?

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Severus rose out of the pensive, a puzzled look on his face. How was his son suppose to take another prophecy? More than likely he will just ignore it, and pretend it has nothing to do with him. Sighing, Severus turned and walked to his room, it had been a long day, and he wanted some sleep.

~time skip~

The next morning, as Harry was walking down the stairs for breakfast, he saw out of the corner of his eye, his office door open. Curious, he walked closer, he never left his door open, nor did he ever leave his pensve out on his desk. But there it was clear as day, sitting in the middle of his desk, with a memory still inside.

Being the nosy little boy he denies he is, Harry walked over and peered inside. Looking around and seeing no one, he stirred the memory and dove in.


Harry looked around the library, he saw Luna laying across Draco's lap reading. Across from the pair sat ron, staring at a chess board clearly in the middle of a game. He could hear someone else rifling through his books at the back of the library, probably Sirius. Suddenly Luna froze, and began to speak in a smooth, dreamy voice.

"One of fire, one of earth

two are chosen for rebirth,

the killing hand you'll see again,

with all your soul it finally ends,

one of earth, and one of wind,

once together it finally ends."

Harry quickly pulled himself from the memory, swearing to himself.

~memory end~

Landing on his butt, Harry scrambled to his feet and ran from the room. He ran and ran, until he hit the dining room door, nose first. Blinking up at the ceiling, he tried to remember what he was doing, and what he hit.

"Why did you feel the need to greet the door, but not your godfather? I would love a running tackle hug," said Sirius, leaning over a dazed Harry.

"I think what you meant to ask is, 'Are you alright My Lord?'" asked Claude. Looking over Harry saw Eric, John, Stephen, Beatrice, Scarlett, and Claude all staring at him with worry.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, can't remember why I was running now though. Oh, Stephen, Claude, we need to go into town after breakfast, it's shopping day again!" Stephen reached down, and helped Harry off the floor, nodding to his request. Dusting himself off, Harry made his way into the room, and up to his seat.

"Aside from your miraculous entry, how has your morning been, Harry love?" asked Grell, fluttering his eyelashes from down the table.

"It was fine, but I almost wish I knew what spooked me. It can't be important if I can't remember it. Would you like to join us in shopping today?"

"Oh my, such manners, such grace! Oh my sweet Harry, I would love to!" yelled Grell, Launching himself over the table at Harry, only to be caught by the collar by Eric.

"Mast Grell, please sit breakfast will be served soon."

"Oh, right," Grell pouted, being carried back to his chair. The rest of breakfast was calm, talk of the weather, the books sirius was reading, and the new animals that seem to be wandering in out of the forest behind the house. Soon everyone was off to prepare for the day, Harry got the shopping list from Kreacher, before going outside to wait for the carriage.

The trip into town was quiet, but Harry wouldn't have it any other way today. Little did he know, this was the last quiet moment he would ever have.

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