A day to settle

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Disclaimer: I do not own black butler or harry potter or any of their characters.

Warnings: will be slash, possible mpreg, torture, mentions of child abuse, you have been warned turn back now

Pairings: Harry/Sebastian/Grell, Snape/Undertaker

reviews from last chapter at the bottom

~~~~~~~~~~~i am a line~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning harry woke to the sound of tapping at his window. Grumbling he rolled over and tucked his head under the pillow for quiet, this did not work. The tapping at the window got harder until it was knocking, when this was still ignored the being at the window let out a loud high pitched shriek. The sound scared harry so bad he jumped and fell right off the side of the bed, becoming tangled in his blankets to the point he looked like a burrito.

Waving his hand, the only part of his body not tangled in the blanket, the window opened letting in a regal snowy owl. The bird landed on the edge of the bed and looked down at the burrito boy, and started to chuckle. Harry hearing the sound looks up to glare at the animal, but freezes as soon as their eyes meet.

"Hedwig!" screamed harry, the blankets vanishing as he jumped up to hug the owl. Tears fell down his cheeks as hedwig started to nuzzle and preen his hair, only then did he see the letter attaxhed to her leg. Hedwig held out her leg for harry, grabbing the letter, he wiped his eyes so he could read.

MasterI know you must be wondering how your owl has found you, especially since she died your seventeenth birthday protecting you. Well i did say ALL of your possessions would go with you, i thought that should include pets as well. Also i thought you might like to talk to the undertaker or any wizarding friends you make.Also i wanted to let you know that there will be some wizards from your time that have been placed in this time as well. it was not intentional on my part, only the ones who deserved to have a second chance got one. I will not tell you who you may meet again, and i cant say if they will even remember their old life. Take care, if they remember you will know, do not scare them by asking questions they may not be able to answer.your loyal servantdeathHarry was shocked to say the least, absent mindedly he reached up to pet hedwigs chest. Death had given him much to think about, looking up at hedwig he smiled, it would all work out some how.

"You hungry hed?" getting a nod he stood up and left the room, hedwig on his shoulder. Walking into the kitchen, he saw kreacher at the stove preparing breakfast for everyone.

"Good morning kreacher, could you cook some extra bacon for hedwig, please?"

"Yes master harry, kreacher makes bacon for masters birdie."

"Thank you kreacher, dont forget to make some for yourself as well you shall be eating with the rest of us." Getting a nod, harry left the kitchen, and made his way back to his room to get bathed and dressed for the day. Fourty five minutes later, harry was walking into the dining room, owl on his head, and still trying to tie his tie.

Scarlett walked up to harry and quickly tied the tie and tucked it into his vest. Harry had picked a white blouse under a navy blue vest, black slacks, dragonhide boots, and a navy blue tie. His raven hair, which came to just under his chin, was swept back into a low ponytail with a few strands framing his face. Thanking Scarlett, he gestured for everyone to sit at the table.

"We will eat breakfast together in the mornings, every morning we will sit and go over the schedules for the day. John you and i shall be going through the gardens this morning so we can get a general idea of how to set them up. After lunch i shall be in my office going over the paperwork for the Potter and Black estates, and businesses. Scarlett, Beatrice, i would like for you to try to get three guest rooms set up today in the west wing. Eric, Stephen i would like for you to go out and get a perch for my owl if you have the time. Claude i would like you to make dessert for tonight, i will set you up in a separate kitchen, if it is satisfactory you will be making dessert from here on out. Kreacher i know you are the main chef but even you know you cannot make sweets, you never had the chance to learn. Everyone have their jobs?"

"Yes My Lord/Master Harry," was echoed back to harry.

"Good, well let us eat so we may get on with our day."

The morning was spent just as Harry said, he and john had designed the new garden and with a little magic, it was well on its way to completion. After asking kreacher for a lunch of sandwiches and a salad, harry started to work on the businesses he had inherited. He now owned three clothing factories, two hospitals, and five publishing factories along with several markets and farms. He found he needed at least twenty new workers in his factories, and he needed a new foreman at one of his clothing factories.

For dinner he asked kreacher for lamb chops, steamed asparagus, and scalloped potatoes. After dinner he retired to the library, with a glass of brandy and a book about charms from this time, harry was lost to the world of charms. at half past ten, Eric came to inform him it was time for bed.

"My Lord, it is late, the sun is gone, it is time to retire."

"Quite right, thank you Eric. I shall see you in the morning for breakfast, please have Scarlett or Beatrice make sure im up by six."

"Yes My Lord, good night."

Walking upstairs, harrys mind drifted back to deaths letter. 'I wonder who i will see again, Snape, Dumbledore, Draco, Sirius, Remus maybe Luna or Neville. I miss them all, maybe i can see all of them... well i can dream can't I?' Opening his window for Hedwig, harry stripped to his pants and checked his wards before laying down. It wasn't long before he drifted off into the land of Morpheus.

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