Houndsworth: part the next

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Harry waited until they were about a mile out, and with a loud screech, he leapt from the ground and flew up and over the trees keeping the others in sight. Out of the corner of his eye, he again saw the large white beast. Giving a small caw, he flew towards the beast, both Draco and Sirius hot on his heels.

Landing on the beasts large head, Harry looked down, staring at the dog upside down. The happy Yelp the beast gave almost shook Harry off his head. Giving the hell hound, he now realised what it was, a menacing glare, Harry nipped his ear. Beelzebub gave a small whine in apology, and lowering his head slowly for Harry to crawl off. Turning to face the beast, Harry took a deep breath, and started to change.

"Beelzebub, change!" Harry commanded of the dog. A blinding flash filled the clearing, before a smiling naked male jumped on Harry. Licking his face, and gnawing on his ears, Beelzebub was quite happy someone knew him.

Beelzebub POV

Beelzebub wanted to go home, he missed the demon who use to play with him. He missed the black thing with the feathery wings, and red horns, who would take him to his room to sleep. But mostly he missed his Master, and this boy smelled of his Master. He was so happy, he was hungry, scared, and tired, and that woman who called him Pluto, kept asking him to hurt people.

His Master had a command to hurt people, and those people usually hurt others first. Sure Beelzebub had attacked dogs, but they hurt people. They were bad, master had said so. He had never meant to run so far away from home, he just wanted to play outside. Hopefully master wouldn't be to mad, maybe master would play with him when he got home.

He heard the other animals change, looking he saw a two legs with yellow hair, and one with wavy brown hair. As long as they didn't hurt or threaten the nice bird man, he was ok with them. They started speaking to the bird man, he only knew a few words but he kind of got the gist of it. They wanted him in the fur they were wearing to take him back to their home. He heard his Masters name, and leapt at the blonde one licking his face happily. These two legs would take him home, he just knew it.

Harry's POV

"Harry, get this thing off me!" Yelled Draco, almost letting his panic show at being licked by a naked male. Laughing Harry pulled Beelzebub off him, scratching the man behind his ear and telling him to sit.

"Awe, but Dray, he loves you!"

"I don't care! Just get some clothes on him and let's go. We are going to have to sneak him in before we call death, he needs a bath." Draco said wrinkling his nose.

"Yeah I know, alright let's get going. I'll transfigure some clothes when we get closer. Come Beelzebub." Changing back to their animagus forms, Harry cawed at Beelzebub to change. After a second and another bright flash, a very excited hellhound bounded into the trees barking back for them to hurry. When they were closer, harry screeched for them to stop.

Changing back, Harry transfigured some twigs and dried leaves into an outfit. Commanding Beelzebub to change, he quickly got the man dressed. Checking that the coast was clear, Harry started leading them into the house. Just before they reached the door, however, Harry saw a carriage pull up.

"Shite!" Harry whispered, they were back they would have to be quick. Shoving the dog in through the door, Harry quickly instructed Draco and Sirius to get him up to Harry's room. He told them he would be there in a minute, and quickly walked over to the carriage.

"H-h-hey guys, your back early." Harry stuttered, gaining a suspicious look from both Ciel and Sebastian. The other three seemed to be distracted with something that had happened in town.

"Yes, there was a murder in town. It seems a demon dog has been attacking the town. It seems to mainly attack the villagers who have to many dogs, or that don't follow town rules." Ciel said, throwing a small glare at the castle. Harry gulped, and he could feel sweat beading on his neck and upper lip.

"R-really? A d-demon dog you say? Fancy that…" Harry licked his lips shooting small glances at the castle. "Well I just got back as well, uh… I'm going to go clean up. I'll, uh… see you at lunch." Harry squeaked the last sentence, before turning and running inside the castle.

Nearly flew up the stairs to his room, his second animagus form helping his pace. He burst through his door, only to fall flat on his face, due to a tripping ward on his door. Hearing a loud crack, followed by the shattering of glass, Harry knew he had broke his nose.

"Dray, you know I love you, right?" Harry asked through his broken nose.

"Um, yeah," Draco said in a shaky voice, having heard the glass break in Harry's glasses.

"Good, would you come here for a second?" Harry asked rising to his knees head still down. Draco cautiously approached his brother, fearing for his life. When he got within arms reach, Harry grabbed him by the collar, and stared into his eyes, blood covering the lower half of his face, and dripping on the floor.

"Fix this, before I make yours match it!" Harry roared. With a shaking hand Draco tapped Harry's face, muttering a quick *episkey*. He watched as the blood stopped flowing, watching Harry wave his hand at his glasses to fix them. A small yip from the naked male on Harry's bed however, seemed to calm Harry down.

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